Coenogonium Ehrenb.
=DIMERELLA Trevis., 1880
Type : Coenogonium linkii Ehrenb.
Type : Dimerella lutea (Dicks.) Trevis. [=Coenogonium luteum (Dicks.) Kalb & Lücking]
Description : Flora (1985: 131).
Coenogonium is a tropical/subtropical genus of 45–50 species (Santesson 1952; Uyenco 1963; Kalb 2001c; Kirk et al. 2001), included in the monogeneric family Coenogoniaceae (Eriksson et al. 2004; Pennycook & Galloway 2004). It is not possible to identify species of Coenogonium accurately in the absence of apothecia. Recently, Lücking & Kalb (2000: 31–32) synonymised Dimerella and a further seven genera (Byssiplaca A.Massal., Biatorinopsis Müll.Arg., Microphiale (Stizenb.) Zahlbr., Holocoenis Clem., Lecaniopsis (Vain.) Zahlbr., Didymopycnomyces Cavalc. & A.A.Silva and Flabellomyces Y.Kobayashi) within Coenogonium. The conspecificity of Coenogonium and Dimerella was confirmed in a molecular study (Kauff & Lutzoni 2002) and this view is adopted here. Seaward & Aptroot (2004), however, accept Dimerella as a separate genus, distinguished from Coenogonium by a crustose thallus, 1-septate ascospores (half of the species of Coenogonium have simple ascospores), and often swollen excipular cells. Four species of Dimerella from New Zealand were recently transferred to Coenogonium, in line with current practice (Malcolm 2004, 2005). Nine species are known from New Zealand.