Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Leontodon L.


Annual to perennial taprooted or tuberous rosette herbs. Hairs eglandular, simple, 2-fid or stellate. Stems scapose or branching. Lvs all basal, undivided to pinnatifid; cauline lvs reduced to small stem bracts, or 0. Capitula solitary or several per stem, on long peduncles. Involucral bracts in 2-several ± distinct series, glabrous or hairy. Receptacle pitted; pits with ciliate margins or glabrous; scales 0. Corolla ligulate, usually yellow, rarely orange, often with red or grey on outer face. Style branches filiform, yellow or discoloured. Achenes numerous, brownish, either the inner beaked or all not beaked; pappus bristles in 1-2 rows, white; outer bristles short and scabrid, or 0; inner bristles longer, usually plumose, sometimes reduced to short scales on the outer achenes.


Lf hairs simple, rarely 0; stems branched, with many small stem bracts; capitula erect in bud
Lf hairs 2-(3)-fid; stems scapose, with 0-(1) small stem bract; capitula nodding in bud

50 spp., Europe, Mediterranean, S.W. Asia. Naturalised spp. 2.

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