Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Phymatodes C.Presl

PHYMATODES Presl, 1836

Sori in one series on each side of the main vein and/or main laterals, round, us. without paraphyses; spores bilateral. Fronds glab., simple to pinnatifid; veins evident to obscure, us. reticulate. Copeland (Gen. Fil. 1947, 196) considers the N.Z. spp. to "represent the most probable common ancestry of both sections," but refers them to Microsorium. After a careful discussion Pichi-Sermolli (Webbia 8, 1951, 222) places them in Phymatodes.


Rhizome < 2 mm. diam.; lamina submembr
Rhizome 4 mm. or more diam.; lamina subcoriac. to coriac
Venation conspicuous; lobes broad
Venation indistinct; lobes narrow
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