Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Mahonia Nutt.


Glabrous evergreen shrubs, occasionally tree-like; wood yellow. Lvs never modified to form spines, imparipinnate, rarely 3-foliolate; leaflets usually with spiny margins. Fls usually numerous in racemes and panicles arising fasciculately from the axils of bud scales. Perianth yellow; segments 15, sometimes the outer 3 bract-like. Stamens 6. Ovary with few ovules; style 0 or short. Berry black, usually with glaucous bloom.


Many-stemmed shrub; lvs without basal pair of stipule-like leaflets
Arborescent shrub with few stems; lvs with sessile pair of stipule-like leaflets

c. 100 spp., temperate and subtropical E. and S.E. Asia, N. and C. America. Naturalised spp. 2.

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