Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Distictis buccinatoria (DC.) A.H.Gentry

*D. buccinatoria (DC.) A. Gentry, Brittonia  25:   237  (1973)

Vigorous liane, with ± angular shoots. Tendrils filiform. Petioles to c. 4 cm long, hairy; petiolules < or > petiole, hairy. Lamina 4-8-(10) × 3-5-(6) cm, ovate-oblong, minutely scaly, densely so beneath when young, hairy on midrib or nearly glabrous beneath, coriaceous, shining above; base subcordate or, less commonly, truncate; apex obtuse or apiculate. Fls in terminal racemes; peduncles and pedicels hairy or tomentose. Calyx 1.2-1.7 cm long, 5-toothed, tomentose; margin reddish. Corolla 9-11 cm long, tubular-funnelform, tomentose, reddish orange outside at first, becoming rose, ± orange within; narrow basal part c. 2.5 cm long; lobes 2-2.5 × 2-2.5 cm, usually emarginate, becoming deep rose or rosy crimson, tomentose outside. Stamens included; filaments hairy towards base. Style 7-8 cm long. Capsule not formed.

N.: reported wild from one site only, a dry sunny cliff face in Whakatane, Bay of Plenty, spreading upwards for some distance from an original planting at the cliff base.

Probably Mexico 1988

FL Nov-Feb.

D. buccinatoria is occasionally cultivated in warmer parts of N.Z. All plants in N.Z. are presumably of one self-sterile clone as frs are rarely formed. The sp. has previously been known in N.Z. as Bignonia cherere, and Phaedranthus buccinatorius.

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