Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Acer L.


Lvs palmately lobed or toothed, or if pinnate not more than 7-foliolate; samaras with wing always confined to upper side.


Lvs compound; leaflets 3-5-(7)
Lvs simple, 5-lobed to c. 1/2 way

c. 200 spp., N. temperate regions, and N. tropical montane areas. Naturalised spp. 2.

A number of maple spp. are commonly cultivated in N.Z. especially in colder areas. In addition to the 2 described below those common in cultivation are: A. palmatum Thunb., Japanese maple, a very variable shrub or small tree with lvs deeply 5-9-lobed and incurved samara wings (the most abundant spp. in cultivation), A. davidii Franchet, A. ginnala Maxim., A. griseum (Franchet) Pax, A. japonicum Thunb., A. platanoides L. and A. sikkimense Miq.

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