Senecio kirkii var. angustior Allan
Type locality: Waitakere Range, Auckland. Type: BD 8857, L.M. Cranwell, April 1934.
Lf-laminae 5-12×1-2 cm., lanceolate- to narrow-oblong, entire to shallowly sinuate.
DIST.: N. Lat. 35° to 37° 30'.
Newhook (T.R.S.N.Z. 72, 1943, 341) drew attention to the existence of two forms, but provided no formal description or varietal name. He pointed out that the narrow-lvd form is the only one known north of Kaitaia, that it is us. terrestrial, and that it flowers in autumn and early winter whereas the broad-lvd form in the same latitudes flowers in spring and summer. He suggested occ. hybridism between the two vars.