Placopsis gelidioides
Holotype: New Zealand. Canterbury, Cass, Mt Misery in upper subalpine belt, 1926, G. Einar & Greta Du Rietz 1468 : 15 – S.
Description : Flora (1985: 402–403).
Chemistry : Thallus K−, C+ red, KC+ red, Pd−; containing gyrophoric acid.
S: Nelson (Schist Mountain, Wangapeka), Marlborough (Mt Tapuaenuku, Mt Ellis), Canterbury (Mt Misery, Cass, Craigieburn Ra.). A high-alpine (1400–1895 m) species from hard, smooth rocks, associating with the lichens Labyrintha implexa, Placopsis bicolor, P. lateritioides, Porpidia spp., Rhizocarpon geographicum, Rimularia psephota and Stereocaulon caespitosum. It is still very poorly collected in New Zealand.
Illustrations : Lamb (1947: pl. XVI, figs 49, 50).
Placopsis gelidioides is characterised by: convex, areolate lobes, often arranged in contiguous parallel lines, very thick, swollen, smooth, thalline margins to disc; brownish often deeply cracked disc.