Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Siphula ramalinoides Nyl.

S. ramalinoides Nyl. ex Crombie, J. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot. 15: 226 (1876).

Thallus lobes thin, ± terete to ± flattened, elongate, 2-3(-4) cm tall, narrow, 0.5-1.2 mm wide, simple, ± finger-like or very sparingly branched. Surface greyish-green, occasionally whitish, smooth to slightly roughened, ± coriaceous, often finely striate. Chemistry: K+ yellow. Thamnolic acid.

N: Northland (Great Barrier I.), South Auckland (Mt Moehau and Kaueranga Gorge, Coromandel Peninsula, Mt Te Aroha, Tangitu, Kaimai Ra.). S: Westland (Burma Road).


S. ramalinoides is a very distinctive, elongate, finger-like species well separated from other New Zealand species. It occurs as an epiphyte of tree trunks amongst mosses in humid, subalpine forest habitats in northern North I. Although closely similar to the type from Patagonia, the New Zealand specimens occupy a habitat markedly different from that of the type locality. The possibility exists that these North I., plants may be specifically distinct.

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