Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Siphula coriacea Nyl.

S. coriacea Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 1: 263 (1869).

S. caesia Müll. Arg., Hedwigia 31: 191 (1892).

Thallus rather small, glebose, basal parts inrolled forming a ± tubular stalk with a well-developed rooting system. Lobes expanded above stalk, flattened to ± terete, divided, often twisted or thick, short, (3-)6-15(-30) mm tall, margins entire, rounded, often swollen, distinctly unilaterally thickened, ± sinuous. Surface white or greyish-blue at apices, smooth or coriaceous or slightly striate-corrugate, apices ± glossy. Chemistry: Medulla K-, C-, Pd-. Barbatic acid (UV+ bluish).

S: Canterbury (Upper Ashburton River, Mackenzie Country, Hakataramea Valley). Otago (Lindis Pass to Roxburgh). On sandy soils in low-rainfall areas 300-1400 m.


S. coriacea grows in ± crowded colonies, or is solitary, in sandy soils in low-rainfall areas east of the Main Divide in Canterbury and Otago. It is a good indicator of arid, induced steppe, and often associates with the lichens Chondropsis semiviridis and Xanthoparmelia amphixantha.

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