Liverworts v1 (2008) - A Flora of the Liverworts and Hornworts of New Zealand Volume 1
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Temnoma quadripartitum var. pseudopungens R.M.Schust.

Temnoma quadripartitum var. pseudopungens R.M.Schust.

Temnoma quadripartitum var. pseudopungens R.M.Schust., Candollea 21: 312. f. 36: 9–10. 1967 (1966). 

Type: New Zealand, South Is., Otago Prov., just S of Haast Pass, 1780–1810 ft., Schuster 49649a.

Leaves with lobes setaceous, the base consisting of only 2–3 laterally juxtaposed cells, the uniseriate distal sector usually 4–6 cells long, the cells of uniseriate row to 14–16 × 65–86 µm up to 15 × 90 µm; all or some lobes producing, at the base, 1–2 sharp, short, stiff, conical 1–2-celled teeth that are stiffly abaxially displaced; disc with 1–2(3)-celled marginal teeth that are never lobe-like (the leaf thus never incipiently 5–6-lobed).

Gynoecial bracts with lobes spinose-ciliate or spinose-dentate with 4–5 pairs of stiff, displaced (1)2–3(4)-celled teeth that are usually opposed, the lobes ending in long, setaceous apices formed of 5–8 superposed cells, which are 1.2–1.8× longer than the lobes themselves, the lobes thus caudate in aspect.

Distribution and Ecology : Known only from the type, occurring with Adelanthus gemmiparus and Heteroscyphus cymbaliferus on damp ledges along a small rill in a Nothofagus menziesii forest at ca. 550 m (South Island, New Zealand).

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