Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Paspalum conjugatum P.J.Bergius

P. conjugatum P.J.Bergius, Acta Helv.-Phys. Math. 7: 129, t. 8 (1762).

Strongly stoloniferous perennials with erect or sprawling shoots; stolons often with purple internodes. Leaf-sheath rather stiff, keeled, glabrous. Ligule 0.5-1.5 mm, slightly erose, truncate, narrowed centrally to a point. Collar hairs few, long. Leaf-blade 10-20 cm × 6-9 mm, linear-lanceolate, flat, soft, glabrous apart from long hairs near base, narrowed to acute or acuminate tip. Culm 20-45 cm, erect or ascending, slender, wiry, internodes compressed, glabrous. Panicle of 2-(3) widely divaricating slender racemes ± digitate at culm apex. Racemes 6-10 cm, rachis very narrowly-winged, 3-angled, sparsely scabrid, 0.6-0.8 mm wide, densely pubescent at base, bearing 2 rows of single shortly pedicelled spikelets; pedicels smooth. Spikelets c. 1.5 mm, imbricate, broad-elliptic to almost orbicular, acute, yellowish green. Lower glume 0, upper = spikelet, thin and closely appressed to upper floret, 2- or 3-nerved with median nerve often suppressed, glabrous apart from long fine hairs on lateral nerves. Lower floret: lemma = spikelet, similar in texture to upper glume; palea 0. Upper floret: lemma 1.2-1.4 mm, slightly indurated, 3-nerved; palea slightly narrower than lemma, membranous margins only slightly widened at base; anthers c. 0.5 mm, yellow; caryopsis not seen.

N.: Ohinemutu (one record, AKU 18022, CHR 274232); K.: Raoul Id. Old grassy tracks in semi-shade on Raoul Id.


Widespread in tropical America and throughout the Old World tropics and subtropics.

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