Inflorescence a panicle, or of variously arranged often fragile racemes or spikes. Spikelets 2-flowered, falling entire at maturity, solitary or paired, or sometimes in groups of 3 or more; lower floret ♂ or Ø, upper floret ⚥; occasionally dioecious. Glumes usually herbaceous or membranous; lower usually the smaller, sometimes much reduced or 0, upper usually = spikelet, sometimes shorter, rarely 0. Lower floret: lemma similar to upper glume, at least in texture, rarely indurated; palea present or 0. Upper floret: lemma and palea similar in texture, firmer than glumes, usually indurated, usually awnless; caryopsis firmly enclosed by hardened anthoecium; embryo usually ⅓-½ length of caryopsis; hilum usually basal, punctiform.