Pseudoparmelia pseudosorediosa sensu D.J.Galloway
Parmelia pseudosorediosa Gyelnik, Feddes Repert. 29: 288 (1931).
Thallus orbicular to spreading, closely to loosely attached, 5-20 cm diam., corticolous and saxicolous. Lobes large (5-15 mm wide) subirregular, apically rounded with shallowly incised margins. Upper surface plane to undulate, yellowish or green-yellow (usnic aid in upper cortex), smooth, matt, at margins becoming coarsely wrinkled centrally, coarsely pustulate. Pustules large, yellowish-white, globose, laminal, diffuse or coalescing, rarely at margins. Medulla white, often with an orange pigment below pustules. Lower surface wrinkled, black with a narrow, wrinkled, naked brown, marginal zone. Rhizines sparse, simple, black or brown. Apothecia rare, 2-5 mm diam., margins coarsely pustular-sorediate, disc matt or shining dark red-brown. Ascospores 17-24 × 8-13 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC+ rose, Pd+ red. Caperatic, protocetraric and usnic acids and atranorin. Skyrin present when pigmented.
N: Three Kings Is. to Wellington. S: Nelson to Southland. St: A: Very widely distributed on rocks and tree bark, occasionally on glass in urban areas, both coastal and inland, also alpine on rocks on eastern foothill ranges of South I.
A very commonly collected lichen, although future work may well prove that more than one taxon is involved. Called Parmelia caperata in earlier accounts.