Pseudoparmelia scotophylla (Kurok.) Hale
Parmelia scotophylla Kurok. in Kurok. et Filson, Bull. natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo. Ser. B (Bot.) 1 (1): 45 (1975).
Thallus closely attached, rather thin, 4-12 cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes sublinear, congested, apices rounded, 1-2 mm wide. Upper surface plane, shining, whitish to dark grey-brown, densely isidiate. Isidia simple, terete, tips blackened. Lower surface dark brown to black. Rhizines black, sparse to moderate. Apothecia rare, subpedicellate, disc brown, to 6 mm diam., thalline exciple isidiate. Ascospores 7-8 × 5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+; medulla K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Salazinic acid and atranorin.
N: South Auckland (Wairongomai Stream near Te Aroha). On rocks beside streams in open grassland. Probably more widespread in drier lowland North I., habitats.