Brigantiaea Trevis.
=MYXODICTYON A.Massal. 1860
Type : Brigantiaea mariae Trevis.
Type : Myxodictyon chrysostictum (Hook.f. & Taylor) A.Massal. Brigantiaea chrysosticta (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hafellner & Bellem.]
Description : Flora (1985: 40). See also Hafellner (1997: 40).
Brigantiaea is a genus of 15 species found in both Northern and Southern hemispheres with the major region of diversity the circum-Pacific area where more than 50% of known taxa occur (Hafellner 1997). Distinguishing characters for the genus are the ascus type (Brigantiaea -type); the single muriform ascospores; the occurrence of anthraquinones in the apothecia but not in the thallus, in which atranorin is a constant lichen compound. Brigantiaea is included in the family Brigantiaceae (Hafellner & Bellemère 1982; Eriksson et al. 2004; Pennycook & Galloway 2004; Eriksson 2005), a family of unclear relationships in the order Lecanorales. Four species are recorded from New Zealand (Hafellner 1985b, 1997).