Brigantiaea lobulata
Holotype: New Zealand. Southland, Dusky Sound, Cascade Cove, on Nothofagus bark at s.l., ii.1969, D.J. Galloway s.n. – CHR.
Descriptions : Flora (1985: 41–42); Hafellner (1997: 56).
N: Northland (Bay of Islands, Ngaiotonga Saddle, Great Barrier I.), South Auckland (Kuratau, Moerangi, Mamaku, Whirinaki), Gisborne (Moanui Valley), Hawke's Bay (Kaweka Ra.), Wellington (Kaimanawa Ra., Ruahine Ra., Lessong's Monument). S: Nelson (Ruby Lake Cobb Valley), Flora Saddle, Matiri Buller Gorge), Westland (Lake Mahinapua), Canterbury & Otago (Makarora) to Fiordland, both E and W of the Main Divide. In cool temperate rainforest on bark and among bryophytes. Known from the following phorophytes: Agathis australis, Griselinia littoralis, Nothofagus fusca, N. menziesii, Phyllocladus sp., Podocarpus cunninghamii, P. totara. Known also from New South Wales and Papua New Guinea (Aptroot et al. 1997; Hafellner 1997; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Exsiccati : Vězda (1989: No. 2278).
Illustration : Malcolm & Galloway (1997: 78).
Brigantiaea lobulata is distinguished from B. phaeomma by the presence of small, suberect lobules which cover the thallus. Both taxa may constitute a species pair (Hafellner 1997: 56). Specimens are occasionally parasitised by the lichenicolous fungus Roselliniella lopadii (q.v.) (Hafellner 1985a).