Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Tragopogon pratensis L.

*T. pratensis L., Sp. Pl.  789  (1753)


Annual to perennial with cylindric rootstock. Stems erect, weakly ribbed, glabrous or with sparse fine hairs above, 30-60 cm tall. Lvs linear to lanceolate-subulate, entire, acuminate, 5-25 × 0.1-1 cm; base sheathing; margins undulate or flat. Capitula solitary; peduncles not swollen (< 3 mm thick at fruiting). Involucre with a band of felted or cobwebby tomentum at base; involucral bracts 6-8, lanceolate-acuminate, 3-4 × c. 1 cm at fruiting, usually glabrous, sometimes tomentose near apex. Corolla yellow, < involucre. Achenes fusiform, ribbed, the outer weakly muricate, the inner smooth; body c. 8-10 mm long; beak = or < body, clavate at apex. Pappus sordid, 1.5-2 cm long, plumose, in 2 rows seated on a distinct, tomentose annulus.

S.: Canterbury (Lake Pearson, Springfield, Racecourse Hill).

Europe, C. Asia 1883

Roadsides and irrigation reserve.

T. pratensis has also been recorded in N.Z. as T. minor.

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