Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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Ocellularia allosporoides

O. allosporoides (Nyl.) Patw. & C.R.Kulkarni, Kavaka 5: 5 (1977).

Thelotrema allosporoides Nyl., Bull. Soc. linn. Normandie 7 (2): 167 (1873).

Leptotrema allosporoides (Nyl.) Müll.Arg., Bull. Herb. Boissier 2, App. 1: 75 (1894).

Description : Thallus greenish grey to yellowish grey, smooth to rough, medulla 160–200 μm thick, corticolous. Apothecia numerous, solitary, semi-emergent to emergent, 1–1.8 mm diam., ostiole depressed, open, 360–630 μm diam. Exciple carbonised laterally; columella simple, tip white-pruinose, carbonised, 400–600 μm thick. Hymenium 100–150 μm tall. Ascospores hyaline, I+ deep violet, 4 per ascus, 24–30-locular, 230–275 × 26–32 μm.

Chemistry : TLC−, all reactions negative.

N: Wellington. Collected by Charles Knight and recorded by Nylander (1888: 75–76). Known also from the Andaman Is, India and Thailand (Nagarkar et al. 1986; Awasthi 1991; Wolseley et al. 2002).


Illustration : Nagarkar et al.(1986: 73, fig. 5).

Ocellularia allosporoides is characterised by: the corticolous habit; 4-spored asci; I+ deep violet, 24–30-locular ascospores, 230–275 × 26–32 μm; and a negative medullary chemistry.

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