Lichinella Nyl.,
Thallus fruticose, green or blackish, attached to substrate by colourless rhizines. Main branches dichotomous. Lateral branches, angular, attenuate, pointed at ends. Hyphae with short or long cells, in one or several series in a fountain-like arrangement. Haustoria not thickened. Photobiont blue-green, Chroococcus. Apothecia terminal, gall-like, expanded. Paraphyses anastomosing, septate, with thickened apices. Asci 8-10-many, (24-48)-spored. Ascospores simple, oval, colourless. Pycnidia terminal or lateral, flask-like, simple. Conidiophores simple, thin, developing cylindrical, terminal conidia.
Lichinella is a small genus of c. 3 described species in the family Lichinaceae [Henssen Symb. bot. upsal. 18: 71-75 (1963)]. At least one undescribed species is known from New Zealand, growing among mosses on stones in subalpine habitats.