Lichinodium Nyl.,
Thallus dwarf fruticose, green or brown, attached to substrate by sparse, colourless rhizines. Lobes cylindrical, translucent. Hyphae parallel with rounded cells. Haustoria not thickened. Photobiont blue-green, Scytonema. Apothecia lateral, pale brown, gall-like without thalline or proper margins. Paraphyses septate, anastomosing at base, thickened, clavate at apices. Ascospores 8 per ascus, simple, colourless. Pycnidia lateral, pale brown, gall-like, flask-shaped, simple. Conidiophores simple producing acicular conidia.
Lichinodium is a genus of 2 described species in the family Lichinaceae [Henssen Symb. bot. upsal. 18: 83-85 (1963)]. Species are epiphytic on twigs or upon other lichens in humid, low-light situations. At least one undescribed species is present in New Zealand, among mosses on stones in subalpine habitats.