Panicum capillare L.
Tufted summer annuals. Leaf-sheath light green to purplish, rounded, densely villous, hairs fine, soft, tubercle-based. Ligule 1-2 mm, a truncate membranous ciliate rim. Leaf-blade 7.5-15-(30) cm × 3-9-(12) mm, rounded at base, gradually narrowed above, light green, rather thin, usually villous with scattered, fine, tubercle-based hairs, midrib obvious; margins finely scabrid, often undulate, tip acuminate. Culm (7.5)-15-30-(45) cm, erect, slightly compressed, nodes densely pubescent, internodes villous with long tubercle-based hairs, or glabrous. Panicle 15-40 × 4-15 cm, often ½ length of plant, very diffuse, with fine branches at first ascending, later spreading; rachis and branches with scattered hairs, finer branchlets and pedicels scabrid; whole panicle detaching at maturity and blown by the wind. Spikelets 2.3-3 mm, glabrous except at tip, light green or purplish, elliptic, narrowed to acute or acuminate tip. Lower glume < ½ length of spikelet, ovate-triangular, 5-nerved, acute, tipped by minute hairs, upper = spikelet, 7-9-nerved, elliptic, tapered above to acute, very minutely ciliate apex. Lower floret Ø: lemma very slightly < upper glume, 5-nerved, elliptic, dorsally flattened, laterally incurved, tapered above to acute, very minutely ciliate apex; palea 0. Upper floret ⚥: lemma 1.5-2 mm, elliptic, subacute, faintly striolate, glabrous, shining, light cream; palea narrow; anthers 0.8-1.3 mm; caryopsis c. 1.5 mm.
N.: scattered throughout, mainly in Waikato and Bay of Plenty; S.: scattered in Nelson, Marlborough, Canterbury, and Otago (Earnscleugh). Weed of pastures, orchards, gardens, roadsides and crops.
Naturalised from North America.