Limonium sinuatum
ζ*L. sinuatum (L.) Miller ζ*, blue statice, has been collected recently growing wild on a scoria railway bank in Whangarei. A branched annual to c. 50 cm tall; basal lvs to c. 30 cm long, shallowly lyrate-pinnatifid, hairy; stems with 3 wings each 3- c. 6 mm wide; fls secund, rather dense; bracteoles spiny; calyx 12-13 mm long, slender, whitish; limb 5-7 mm long, deep blue, violet or mauve, campanulate with erose margin; corolla white; limb exserted 3-4 mm from calyx. The sp. is commonly cultivated and is often known as Statice sinuata in N.Z. (Mediterranean region, Asia Minor, 1988).