Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Imperata cylindrica var. major (Nees) C.E.Hubb.

I. cylindrica var. major (Nees) C.E.Hubb. in Hubbard and Vaughan Grasses of Mauritius and Rodriquez  96  (1940).

lalanga bladey grass

Forming loose or compact tufts or colonies from long-creeping, tough, scaly rhizomes c. 3 mm diam. Leaf-sheath light brown, sometimes purplish, glabrous or with scattered fine hairs above, shredding into stiff fibres at maturity. Ligule c. 1.5 mm, truncate, ciliate. Leaf-blade to 1 m × 4-10 mm, often > culms, linear from pseudopetiolate base, glabrous; margins scabrid, tip acuminate. Culm 20-50 cm, upper nodes villous, hairs fine, to 6 mm, internodes glabrous. Panicle 9-15 × c. 2 cm, dense, spiciform, silky white, shining; branches very numerous, very slender, erect, ± appressed to rachis; pedicels with some long fine hairs below spikelets. Spikelets c. 4 mm, enveloped by hairs 9-14 mm. Glumes = spikelets, brownish, 3-7-nerved. Lemmas and palea < glumes, hyaline, often denticulate, tips ciliate. Stamens 2; anthers 2-3 mm, orange or brownish. Stigmas purple or brown. Caryopsis not seen.

N.: Northland (near Kaitaia, Kerikeri, Whangarei). Open gullies, sunny places on hills, flats on volcanic soil near coast.

Naturalised from Palaeotropics.

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