Inflorescence of solitary or digitate or panicled spiciform racemes. Spikelets 2-flowered, usually in pairs, sometimes in threes or solitary, one spikelet in each pair or triplet sessile, the other(s) pedicelled on segments of raceme-rachis; falling entire at maturity; lower floret ♂ or Ø, upper floret ⚥. Glumes firmer than lemmas, the lower ≥ spikelet. Lemmas membranous or hyaline; lemma of upper floret entire or 2-lobed or notched, usually with geniculate awn from sinus or tip. Paleas < lemmas, usually hyaline, often absent in lower or in both florets. Caryopsis loosely enclosed by glumes or lemma; hilum usually basal and punctiform.
Spikelets unisexual; inflorescence of 2 racemes, ♀ raceme within a bony globose utricle, ♂ raceme projecting from utricle
Leaf-blades narrowed towards base; lemma of ⚥ floret awnless; plants with long-creeping rhizome
Spathes subtending a group of spikelets, composed of 2 ⚥ spikelets within an involucre of Ø spikelets