Pomaderris Labill.
Evergreen shrubs or small trees, not armed, with stellate hairs often forming a tomentum, sometimes with simple hairs as well. Lvs alternate, small to large. Stipules deciduous or persistent, small. Fls small, in cymes, ⚥, often aggregated to form large panicles, 5-merous, pedicellate. Calyx with triangular lobes. Petals sometimes 0, not forming a hood or enclosing anthers; claw short and narrow. Filaments bent downwards in upper part, > petals. Disc annular, inconspicuous. Ovary apparently inferior through immersion in combined calyx tube and disc, 3-celled; style 3-lobed; stigmas simple. Fr. small, capsule-like, 3-valved, loculicidal, with upper part protruding above calyx tube, dehiscing to release 3 cocci (each consisting of 1 seed and surrounding endocarp). Seed smooth, with thickened funicle widened to form a cup-shaped aril.
40-45 spp., Australia, N.Z. Native spp. 7, naturalised 1.
The indigenous Pomaderris spp. have mostly restricted distributions in northern North Id areas and their relationships to populations in Australia are sometimes unclear. Following L. B. Moore, in Allan (1961), several vars of spp. with Australian types are accepted here. There is a need to make detailed comparative studies of Australian and N.Z. plants to clarify the status of such taxa (L. B. Moore, pers. comm.).