Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Callitriche heterophylla Pursh

*C. heterophylla Pursh emend. Darby, Bot. Southern States  311  (1841)

Monoecious aquatic herb with long ascending stems, little branched, often with floating rosettes. Lvs very variable but submerged lvs often linear-elliptic, 1-nerved, shallowly 2-toothed; aerial lvs usually obovate, 3-7-nerved; free veins 0; lvs of plants on mud oblong. Fls 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ together in each axil. Bracteoles white, conspicuous, persistent. Filaments to 4 mm long; anthers c. 0.2 × c. 0.3 mm. Styles 1-6 mm long, persistent or caducous. Fr. sessile, (0.6)-0.7-0.8-(1) mm long, suborbicular; mericarp faces convex; wing narrow, usually only at top of mericarp, sometimes 0; commissural groove very shallow and narrow.

N.: apparently only found in the Waikato R. where it was first collected in 1900.

N. America 1959

>Mason, R., Austral. J. Bot. 7: 320 (1959), described an abnormality in the frs of N.Z. material.

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