C. J. Webb B.A., B.Sc. (Hons), Ph.D. (Cantuar.) grew up on a farm in Marlborough. He moved to Christchurch in 1968, and, in 1975, on completing his doctoral thesis on breeding systems in Gingidia and related genera (Apiaceae), joined the staff of Botany Division. He has maintained his research in reproductive biology during the task of Flora writing and is interested in other aspects of the evolution of indigenous plants.
W. R. Sykes B.Sc. (London), N.D.H. (R.H.S. London) was born in East Anglia and emigrated to New Zealand to join the staff of Botany Division in 1961. He has an ongoing interest in the plants of the South Pacific and has written two D.S.I.R. Bulletins, Contributions to the Flora of Niue (1970), and Kermadec Islands Flora (1977). His other major interest is in the taxonomy of cultivated ornamental plants, a subject on which he has published many articles.
P. J. Garnock-Jones B.Sc. (Hons, Wellington), Ph.D. (Cantuar.) was born in Liverpool, but emigrated with his parents to New Zealand and is now a naturalised New Zealander. He completed his doctoral thesis on the taxonomy of Parahebe (Scrophulariaceae) and joined staff of Botany Division in 1975. While working on this Flora he has published many taxonomic papers on indigenous plants, particularly on Hebe, Parahebe, Ranunculus, and Brassicaceae. He is also interested in phylogeny of indigenous plants.
Bill Sykes, Euphorbia lthryis, Colin Webb, Phil Garnock-Jones. © All rights reserved. [Image: 59ZN]