Lichens Pan-Z (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition Pan-Z
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Thelotrema circumscriptum

T. circumscriptum C.Knight, Trans. N. Z. Inst. 15: 349 (1883).

Ocellularia circumscriptum (C.Knight) C.W.Dodge, Nova Hedwigia19: 489 (1971) ["1970"].

Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco (probably Wellington). Charles Knight – WELT Herb. Knight Vol. 35A, p. 2 [fide Galloway (1985a: 573)].

Description : Flora (1985: 572–573).

Chemistry : Thallus K+ yellow→red, C−, KC+ red, Pd+ orange; containing salazinic acid.

N: Northland (Bay of Islands) to Wellington. On bark of trees in coastal forest.


Illustrations : Malcolm & Malcolm (2000: 59); Lumbsch et al. (2001: 36).

Thelotrema circumscriptum is characterised by: the corticolous habit; the pale-buff or olivaceous, minutely maculate, mosaic-forming thallus; apothecia in conical, smooth dimples; 8-spored asci; colourless, oval ascospores, transversely septate (12–15-locular), 34–56 × 6.5–12 μm; and salazinic acid in the medulla (K+ yellow→red).

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