Multiclavula R.H.Petersen
Type : Multiclavula mucida (Pers:Fr.) Petersen [=Clavaria mucida Pers.]
Description : Flora (1985: 295–296).
Multiclavula, a genus of c. 15 species in the family Clavariaceae (Kirk et al. 2001), is a basidiolichen associated with green algae, cyanobacteria, mosses or slime moulds on soil or rotting wood (Petersen 1967, 1988; Petersen & Kantvilas 1986; Poelt & Obermayer 1990). Three lichenised species are known from New Zealand (Galloway 1985a: 295–297; Petersen 1988) where they occur either on soil, rock or on rotting wood in Nothofagus forest mainly E of the Main Divide in South I., but also in some North I. forests. The genus is still very poorly understood and collected in New Zealand.