Poeltiaria coromandelica
≡Lecidea coromandelica Zahlbr., Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 104: 311 (1941).
Holotype: New Zealand. South Auckland, Coromandel Peninsula, Mt Moehau, c. 850 m, on rocks near summit, L.M. Cranwell [ZA 626] – W. Isotype – CHR 347030.
Description : Flora (1985: 229 – as Lecidea coromandelica). See also Rambold (1989: 265–268).
Chemistry : Cortex K+ yellow, KC+ yellow, C−, Pd−; medulla K−, C−, Pd−; containing usnic acid.
N: South Auckland (Coromandel Peninsula), Wellington (Ruapehu). S: Nelson (Denniston Plateau, Cobb Lake), Canterbury (Arthur's Pass, Temple Basin), Southland (Secretary Is Doubtful Sound, Mt Hodges, Dusky Sound). St: (Mt Rakeahua, Mt Allen) A: On siliceous rocks in semi-exposed to exposed subalpine to alpine habitats. Often with Labyrintha implexa. Known also from Australia (Hertel 1987b: 326, 1989b: 229–230; Rambold 1989: 267–268; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Illustrations : Rambold (1989: 266, fig. 26); Lumbsch et al. (2001: 32).
Poeltiaria coromandelica is a very characteristic taxon forming prominent pale yellow-white or yellow patches on alpine rocks. Its vivid-yellow thallus and black apothecia is reminiscent of certain species of Rhizocarpon. It is discussed in detail in Galloway (1985a: 229) and Rambold (1989: 265–268).