Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Astelia linearis Hook.f.

A. linearis Hook. f. Fl. Antarct.  1,  1844,  76.

Low-growing herb, us. in extensive patches. Stem 1–2 mm. diam., sts long, rather sparsely branched but twigs closely crowded. Lvs (1)–5–10–(22) cm. × 1.5–6 mm., ± erect; sheath membr., clad abaxially only in narrow scales to 12 mm. long; lamina covered adaxially with a clear, detachable pellicle, margin, keel and sharply pointed tip with ± shaggy scales, one costa on each side evident. Infl. erect; peduncle 1–2 cm. long, panicle little longer, sts reduced to a single fl.; lowest spathe to 2.5 cm. long, ± foliaceous, subtending 1–3–(5) fls, other spathes, if any, very small and us. 1-fld. Fls covered in parts exposed in bud with brown-centred scales; per. greenish yellow, divided to base; tepals 3–6 mm. long, spreading in ♂, ± erect in ♀. Ovary pale, very narrow ovoid, 1-locular. Fr. 10–15–(20) × 4–8 mm., the pericarp succulent, clear red throughout, enclosed at the base in the somewhat enlarged membr. tepals. Seeds 1–10–(12), to 2 × 1.2 mm., shining, black, rounded; funicle hardened into an acute ± curved beak.

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