Corrigenda to Volume I
These notes correct errors which have been detected in Volume I during years of use. Some are typographical mistakes, some are accidental omissions or inconsistencies, and some are inaccurate citations of literature. Vastly improved library holdings, especially of older botanical publications, have made it possible to go back to original sources not previously available. Textual corrections only are listed, not additions or nomenclatural or taxonomic revisions or geographical extensions reported after the preparation of Volume I. References to later publications are to be found under "Annals of Taxonomic Research" (pp. xv–xxx).
p.xi | line 8: | After "notes" add "(pp.1009–1034)" |
pp. xiii–xxxiv | Some entries omitted from these pages are listed on pp. xv–xviii of Vol. II | |
p. xiii | line 15: | For "Sparmann" read "Sparrman" |
p. xiii | line 16: | Add "and 1774" |
p. xiii | lines 24–23 up: | For "Contains a few references to and illustrations of N.Z. spp." read "Refers to some plants occurring in N.Z." |
p. xiii | line 21 up: | For "Refers to some plants occurring in N.Z." read "Contains a few references to and illustrations of N.Z. spp." |
p. xiii | line 18 up: | For "1826" read "1826–1830" |
p. xvi | line 12 up: | Before "Berggren" insert "1878" |
p. xvi | line 11 up: | To read "fanerogamer. Minneskr. fisiogr. Sällsk. Lund Art. 8, 33 pp., 7 pl. Describes" |
p. xviii | lines 10–9 up: | To read "Alexander, C. Observations on the Glands in the Leaf and Stem of Myoporum laetum, Forster. T.N.Z.I. 19, 314–316. Rowe, T. W. Observations on the Development of the Flower of Coriaria ruscifolia, Linn. T.N.Z.I. 19, 317–319." |
p. xviii | line 2 up: | For "Wein" read "Wien" |
p. xxviii | line 4: | Delete "1939" |
p. xxviii | line 7: | Before "Allan" insert "1939" |
p. xxxi | line 7: | For "J. A." read "P. J."; after "serratus" insert "Forst." |
p. xli | line 11: | Follow by "agg.: aggregate" |
p. xlv | col. 1, line 26: | For "1901" read "Feb.-Mar. 1902" |
p. xlv | col. 2, lines 21–22: | For "Floruit 1788–1793" read "1748–1804" |
p. xlvi | col. 1, lines 29–30: | To read "JUSS.: Ant. L. de Jussieu. France. 1748–1836 A. JUSS.: Adr. L. de Jussieu. France. 1797–1853." |
p. xlvi | col. 2, line 12: | Delete "1824," |
p. xlviii | col. 1, line 27: | Follow by "SMALL: J. K. Small. U.S.A. 1869–1938." |
p. xlviii | line 27 up: | Follow by "E. ST. JOHN: E. P. St. John. U.S.A. (P)." |
p. xlviii | line 15 up: | Follow by "TARD.: Marie L. Tardieu-Blot. France. 1902–(P)." |
p. 7 | line 12: | Delete "C." (Lycopodium scariosum) |
p. 11 | line 9: | For "obscure" read "obtuse" |
p. 12 | line 15 up: | For "Syn. Fil. 1806" read "in Schrad. J. Bot. (1800) 2, 1801" (Botrychium lunaria) |
p. 13 | line 6: | for "Prantl Syst. Ophiogl. 1883, 341" read "(Milde) Prantl in Jb. bot. Gart. Berlin 3, 1884, 341. B. ternatum var. b australasiaticum § millefolium Hochst. ex Milde in Verh. k. k. zool. bot. Ges. Wien 19, 1869, 158" (Botrychium) |
p. 13 | line 7: | After "dissectum" insert "(Gray)" (Botrychium) |
p. 17 | line 19 up: | After "A." add "C." (Schizaea fistulosa) |
p. 21 | line 20: | For "Endemic" read "Widespread in tropical and subtropical regions" (Gleichenia linearis) |
p. 22 | line 18 up: | After "indusium" add "(not always in N.Z. specimens)" (MERINGIUM) |
p. 27 | line 1 up: | For "12-valved" read "2-valved" (Hymenophyllum demissum) |
p. 29 | line 9 up: | After "lyallii" insert "(Hook. f.)" (Sphaerocionium) |
p. 30 | line 5: | Delete "Endemic." (Hymenophyllum lyallii) |
p. 33 | line 11: | For "cm." read "mm." |
p. 34 | line 11: | Add "C. 'in dense patches 6 inches across' Sorenson 1951, 25." (Hymenophyllum minimum) |
p. 45 | line 10 up: | For "Drymaria" read "Drynaria" |
p. 46 | line 4 up: | Add "The record for C., first made by Hooker (Fl. Antarct. 1, 1844, 111), though often copied, does not seem to have been confirmed." (Phymatodes diversifolium) |
p. 48 | line 13 up: | Add "Records for C. are apparently based on Hooker (Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 380); not collected by recent expeditions." (Grammitis heterophylla) |
p. 52 | line 7: | For "Allan comb. nov." read "Small Ferns S.E. States 1938, 248." (Thelypteris gongylodes) |
p. 52 | line 11 up: | For "Allan comb. nov." read "E. St. John in Amer. Fern J. 26, 1936, 44." (Thelypteris dentata). |
p. 53 | line 9: | Delete "(Salisb.)" (Thelypteris palustris) |
p. 53 | lines 9–10: | For "Allan comb. nov." read "Weatherby in Johnston in Contr. Gray Herb. Harv. 73, 1924, 40" (T. palustris var. squamigera) |
p. 55 | line 15: | After "Smith" insert "Bot. Mag. 72, 1846, Comp. 8" (Hypolepis rugosula) |
p. 58 | lines 17–16 up: | For "41°. Rare in rest of N." read "38°. Elsewhere rare, local or absent." (Lindsaea linearis) |
p. 64 | line 8 up: | Add "Commonly listed as on A. and C. but Cheeseman (Subantarct. Is N.Z. 2, 1909, 438, 452) omits A. and queries Hooker's record for C.; not collected by recent expeditions." (Pteridium aquilinum var. esculentum) |
p. 68 | line 9: | For "Ic. Descr. Pl." read "Desc. Pl." (Asplenium flabellifolium) |
p. 69 | line 15: | Add "Confusion about status of vars probably accounts for most or all records of A. lucidum from the southern islands." (Asplenium) |
p. 74 | line 14: | Add "Recorded for A. by Cheeseman in 1925 (Man. N.Z. Fl. 52) but not in 1909 (Subantarct. Is N.Z. 452) or by recent expeditions." (Asplenium flaccidum) |
p. 77 | line 14: | For "Ic. Desc. P. 1801, n. 653." read "Desc. Pl. 1802, 264." (Doodia caudata) |
p. 81 | line 20 up: | For "Allan comb. nov." read "Ett. in Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien 23, 1864, 63, t. 8." (Blechnum minus) |
p. 84 | line 9: | Follow by "Cheeseman (Subantarct. Is N.Z. 2, 1909, 439) quotes Hooker's records for A. and C. but remarks that the sp. had not been found by any recent collector. Sorenson (D.S.I. R. Cape Exped. Ser. Bull. 7, 1951, 25) states for C. 'Fairly plentiful near coasts and in harbours. Perseverance Hbr.; Tucker Cove.' but these records do not appear to be supported by voucher specimens or by later reports." (Blechnum discolor) |
p. 86 | line 23: | Add "Listed for 'Forest south of Auckland Island' by Cockayne (T.N.Z.I. 36, 1904, 325)." (Blechnum fluviatile) |
p. 93 | line 22: | For "26" read "27" |
p. 99 | line 3: | For "1873" read "1893" |
p. 106 | lines 26–27: | For "Kent in Veitch Man. ed. 2, 1900, 157" read "(R. Br.) Mast. in Hand-list Conif. roy. Gdn. Kew 1896, 25" (Podocarpus spicatus) |
p. 115 | line 6: | To read "1. A. australis Hort. ex Lindl. in Loudon Encycl. Pl. 1829, 802." (Agathis) |
p. 116 | line 17: | For "RHAMNACEAE" read "23A" |
p. 116 | line 18: | Follow by "23A Branches, including those forming spines, arising in strictly opp. pairs RHAMNACEAE Branches, including some spine-like ones, not in strictly opp. pairs VIOLACEAE" |
p. 116 | lines 8–7 up: | To read "40 Fr. a drupe with 2–(4) plano-convex pyrenes RUBIACEAE Fr. a septicidal capsule LOGANIACEAE" |
p. 116 | line 2 up: | For "MYRTACEAE" read"43A" |
p. 116 | line 1 up: | Follow by "43A Ovary wholly superior; fr. of 1-few follicle-like, us. 1-seeded cocci RUTACEAE Ovary not wholly superior; fr. fleshy or a ± woody capsule MYRTACEAE" |
p. 117 | line 13 up: | For "68" read "67A". Follow by "67A Anthers almost or quite sessile, ± connivent round style; connective us. produced into membrane and associated with nectariferous scale VIOLACEAE Anthers on long, free or connate filaments, without membrane or associated scale 68" |
p. 120 | line 25: | For "156" read "146" |
p. 135 | line 14: | Add "W. monogyna Tiegh. in f. de Bot. 14, 1900, 291." (Wintera) |
p. 135 | line 15 up: | Delete "W. monogyna" |
p. 135 | line 14 up: | Delete |
p. 139 | line 25: | Add "In S. known only near the coast; the few old records from West-land and further south have not been confirmed." (Laurelia novae-zelandiae) |
p. 147 | line 21: | After "vars" add "both originally described by Kirk in T.N.Z.I. 27, 1895, 349" (Ranunculus monroi) |
p. 149 | line 22: | For "4284" read "1603" (Ranunculus geraniifolius) |
p. 153 | line 26: | After "Simpson" add "et Thomson" |
p. 153 | line 28: | For "considers" read "and Thomson consider" (Ranunculus sericophyllus var. simpsonii) |
p. 153 | line 18 up: | For "Prodr. 1, 1824, 39" read "Syst. 1, 1817, 289" (Ranunculus hirtus) |
p. 163 | line 17: | Add "Melville (Kew Bull. 1955, 212–217) places R. amphitricha in synonymy under R. rivularis. R. incisus he regards as conspecific with the Australian R. glabrifolius Hook. in J. Bot. 1, 1834, 243, which has a 'nectary with a distinct petaloid lobe often ± attached at the margins forming a pocket'." (Ranunculus) |
p. 164 | line 9: | After "dentatus" insert "He called this hybrid R. huttensis." |
p. 164 | line 13: | For "634" read "534" |
p. 169 | line 23: | Add "Bidwill's note on his n. 30 names 'Morse's Mountain' which is in the Red Hills, near Tophouse." (Clematis australis var. rutaefolia) |
p. 170 | line 6 up: | For "throughout" read "Marlborough and Canterbury" (Clematis afoliata) |
p. 173 | line 5: | For "3 cm." read "3 mm." |
p. 174 | line 18 up: | Add "Townson (T.N.Z.I. 39, 1907, 420) records 'Cape Foulwind, on cliffs'." (Peperomia urvilleana) |
p. 191 | line 17: | For "1840" read "1839" |
p. 198 | line 5: | To read "Ckn. in T.N.Z.I. 39, 1907, 349." (Crassula helmsii) |
p. 202 | line 18: | For "1840" read "1839" |
p. 204 | line 15: | Add "Also in Australia." (Disphyma australe) |
p. 208 | line 14 up: | Add "Recorded also from Tierra del Fuego." (Stellaria decipiens) |
p. 219 | line 1: | For "1840" read "1839" |
p. 220 | line 4: | After "St." add ",A., C." (Claytonia australasica) |
p. 220 | line 19 up: | After "A.," add "C.," (Montia fontana) |
p. 222 | line 12 up: | Add "Recorded also from Australia and Lord Howe Id." (Muehlenbeckia axillaris) |
p. 222 | line 4 up: | For "1840" read "1839" |
p. 226 | line 8: | To read "1. R. flexuosus Forst. ex Spreng. Syst. Veg. 2, 1825, 162. R. cunninghamii" (Rumex) |
p. 230 | line 6 up: | After "billardieri" insert "(Moq.)" (Theleophyton) |
p. 231 | line 1: | For "short-petioles" read "short petioles" |
p. 235 | line 22 up: | For "Type" read "Original locality" |
p. 235 | line 21 up: | For "K, 'Chalky Bay, Lyall.' " read "Van Diemen's Land, 'Mr Gunn, (n. 256 and n. 324)'." (Geranium brevicaule) |
p. 253 | line 18: | Delete "M. intermedium Kirk" |
p. 253 | line 19: | Delete |
p. 253 | line 5 up: | Add "Kirk (Stud. Fl., 150) used the name 'M. intermedium, DC., Prod. iii, 69' apparently for plants of M. propinquum." (Myriophyllum) |
p. 265 | line 20 up: | Add "Description based also partly on BD 49606, J. F. Findlay, edge of rata forest above Crozier Pt, Auckland Id, 1945. The designated type has no fls and only old dehisced capsules." (Epilobium findlayi) |
p. 271 | line 12 up: | Delete "pubescent," (Epilobium pycnostachyum) |
p. 287 | line 19: | For "very conspicuous" read "distinct but hardly prominent" |
p. 287 | line 21: | Delete "not" (Drapetes) |
p. 287 | line 8 up: | For "8, 1877" read "1878, Art. 8" |
p. 308 | line 21: | To read "2. P. turneri Petrie in T.N.Z.I. 55, 1924, 95." (Pittosporum) |
p. 309 | line 9 up: | For "1840" read "1839" |
p. 310 | line 10: | For "1840" read "1839" |
p. 311 | line 15 up: | Before "Laing" insert "Ckn. ex" (Pittosporum crassicaule) |
p. 312 | line 18 up: | To read "R. Mason; Mount Travers, A. P. Druce; Pelorus Valley, J. H. Macmahon; Koromiko," (Pittosporum lineare) |
p. 312 | line 4 up: | For "2-valved" read "3- rarely 2-valved" (P. tenuifolium) |
p. 314 | line 7 up: | For "1840" read "1839" |
p. 316 | line 12 up: | Follow by "Cooper (Ann. Mo. bot. Gard. 43, 1956, 126) records some trees with 3-valved frs." |
p. 317 | line 12: | For "1840" read "1839" |
p. 319 | line 4: | For "cm." read "mm." |
p. 323 | line 7: | Follow by "Var. pubescens Kirk in T.N.Z.I. 1, 1869, 146. 'A prostrate or sub-erect shrub sometimes 3 feet high, at others appressed to the rock, like an alpine plant: leaves more or less pubescent and ciliated; flowers fragrant, produced in immense profusion, sometimes concealing the leaves; pedicels and calyx downy.' Type locality: Great Barrier Id." (Leptospermum ericoides) |
p. 324 | line 9 up: | For "1826" read "1830" |
p. 325 | line 7 up: | For "1795" read "1797" |
p. 326 | line 6: | Add "The sole record of this sp. on C. (Kirk Rep. Third Meeting Australas. Assn Adv. Sci. 1891, 223) has been discounted by all later authors." (Metrosideros umbellata) |
p. 328 | line 7 up: | For "cm." read "mm". |
p. 332 | line 1 up: | For "1840" read "1839" |
p. 334 | line 3: | For "1840" read "1839" |
p. 335 | line 22: | Add "Type: BD, 75704." (Aristotelia fruticosa var. rigidula) |
p. 336 | line 12 up: | For "1840" read "1839" |
p. 337 | line 4: | For "white" read "whitish yellow" |
p. 343 | line 23: | Before "Kirk" insert "(Hook. f.)" |
p. 343 | line 3 up: | After "Canterbury" add ",type: BD, 11655" (Gaya allanii) |
p. 344 | line 15 up: | For "[1781–93]" read "3, 1792, 12," |
p. 345 | line 4: | For "styles 3, stigmas 3 or 6" read "styles us. 3, stigmas us. 3 or 6" (EUPHORBIACEAE) |
p. 345 | line 22: | Delete |
p. 345 | line 23: | Delete "Tahit. 35" |
p. 345 | line 13 up: | For "styles 2, stigmas capitate" read "stigmas 3, elongate, almost sessile" (Homalanthus polyandrus) |
p. 352 | line 8 up: | For "15–35 × 2–6 cm." read "2–6–(7) × (1)–1.5–3.5 cm." (Rubus schmidelioides) |
p. 363 | line 15: | Add "Cheeseman (Man. N.Z. Fl. 1925, 510) includes Antipodes Island amongst his localities for 'var. minor'." (Acaena) |
p. 368 | line 9 up: | For "18, 1835" read "21, 1836" |
p. 368 | line 8 up: | For "467" read "468" |
p. 375 | line 22: | Add ", violacea" (Carmichaelia) |
p. 396 | line 6: | For "Mere Mere" read "Marymere [near Craigieburn Railway Station]" (Carmichaelia prona) |
p. 396 | line 11 up: | For "W.L." read "L.W." |
p. 398 | line 18: | After "Egmont" add "and central Westland" (Nothofagus menziesii) |
p. 398 | line 8 up: | After "Egmont" add "and central Westland" (Nothofagus fusca) |
p. 400 | line 2: | After "Range" add "and central Westland" (Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides) |
p. 406 | line 11 up: | For "1826" read "1830" |
p. 409 | line 13 up: | For "1854" read "1853" |
p. 409 | line 2 up: | For "48" read "45" (Exocarpus bidwillii) |
p. 410 | line 8: | Add "Skottsberg (Proc. 4th Pacif. Sci. Congr. 3, 1930, 435–440) gives reasons for retaining the Juan Fernandez sp. (now extinct) in Santalum, leaving Mida endemic to N.Z. and standing 'far apart from the other genera'." |
p. 413 | line 5 up: | For "5–6" read "4–5–6" (ELYTRANTHE) |
p. 414 | line 5: | After "tepals" add "us." |
p. 414 | line 7: | For "3.5–5 cm." read "3–4 cm." |
p. 414 | line 22: | For "2.5 cm." read "5 cm." |
p. 414 | line 16 up: | For "2.5–3.5 cm." read "1.5–3 cm." (Elytranthe) |
p. 415 | line 11: | For "41, 1894, 489" read "42, 1895, 28" |
p. 415 | line 18: | For "2–3 cm." read "3–4 cm." (Elytranthe adamsii) |
p. 415 | line 26: | For "489" read "605" |
p. 416 | line 8: | For "25" read "26" |
p. 426 | line 2 up: | For "Juss." read "A. Juss." |
p. 430 | line 17: | For "lvs much shorter" read "adult lvs much shorter" (ARALIACEAE) |
p. 434 | line 18: | For "Lowland forests" read "Forests" (Neopanax simplex) |
p. 440 | line 8: | For "37°" read "37° 30'" (Pseudopanax discolor) |
p. 452 | line 15: | Add ", Falkland Is." (Azorella selago) |
p. 453 | line 3 up: | After "exigua" insert "(Hook. f.)" |
p. 454 | line 13–14: | For "Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. 1, 1867, 875" read "(Hook. f.) Kirk Stud. Fl. 1899, 191" (Schizeilema reniforme) |
p. 454 | line 30: | After "haastii" insert "(Hook. f.)" |
p. 455 | line 25: | After "trifoliolata" insert "(Hook. f.)" |
p. 456 | line 16 up: | After "pallida" insert "(Kirk)" |
p. 456 | line 10 up: | For "mm." read "cm." (Schizeilema pallidum) |
p. 457 | line 3: | Before "Kirk" insert "(Hook. f.)" |
p. 457 | line 14 up: | After "roughii" insert "(Hook. f.)" |
p. 458 | line 9 up: | For "Suppl. 2" read "Suppl. 1844, 11" (Daucus glochidiatus) |
p. 463 | line 7: | For "Nov. Holl. Pl. Sp. 1, 1804, 76, t. 103" read "ex Vent. Jard. Malm. 2, 1804, 81" |
p. 463 | line 25: | For "228" read "32" |
p. 463 | line 28: | Add ", 33." |
p. 464 | line 11: | After "lineata" insert "sensu" |
p. 464 | line 21: | After "lineata" insert "sensu" (Crantzia) |
p. 470 | line 12: | Add "What is now known as Mt Dobson is only 6860 ft high." |
p. 486 | line 1 up: | After "dieffenbachii" insert "(F. Muell.)" |
p. 487 | line 1: | After "dieffenbachii" insert "(F. Muell.)" |
p. 487 | line 2: | After "dieffenbachii" insert "(F. Muell.)" |
p. 491 | line 14: | For "5 dm." read "3 dm." |
p. 491 | line 15: | For "2 dm." read "15 cm." |
p. 491 | line 19: | For "4 cm." read "24 cm." (Anisotome flabellifolia) |
p. 509 | line 4: | For "cm." read "mm." (Gaultheria rupestris) |
p. 511 | line 4 up: | For "cm." read "mm." (Pernettya nana) |
p. 513 | line 35: | Add "Much earlier Skottsberg (K. svenska Vet. Akad. Handl. 56, 1916, 282) had postulated intergeneric hybrids between Gaultheria and Pernettya in S. America." |
p. 515 | line 3: | For "cm." read "mm." |
p. 515 | line 6: | After "solitary" add ", occ. in clusters" |
p. 515 | line 6 up: | After "richei" insert "(Labill.)" |
p. 517 | line 24: | For "1839" read "1838" |
p. 517 | line 25: | For "1838" read "1839" |
p. 517 | line 26 up: | After "fraseri" insert "(A. Cunn.)" |
p. 517 | line 6 up: | For "A. Cunningham collected specimens in 1820." read "A. Cunningham quotes '1820, C. Fraser'." (Cyathodes fraseri) |
p. 517 | line 4 up: | For "180" read "190" |
p. 527 | line 1: | For "8, 1877" read "1878, Art. 8" |
p. 543 | line 17: | For "1839" read "1838" |
p. 545 | line 21: | Add "Nestegis apetala (Vahl) L. Johnson in Degener New Ill. Fl. Hawaiian Is 300, 1958." |
p. 545 | line 32: | For "Norfolk Id" read "New Zealand" |
p. 545 | line 10 up: | Add "Nestegis cunninghamii (Hook. f.) L. Johnson in Degener New Ill. Fl. Hawaiian Is 300, 1958." |
p. 546 | line 6: | Add "Nestegis lanceolata (Hook. f.) L. Johnson in Degener New Ill. Fl. Hawaiian Is 300, 1958." |
p. 546 | line 15: | For "2 per locule" read "1 per fr." |
p. 546 | line 22: | Add "Nestegis montana (Hook. f.) L. Johnson in Degener New Ill. Fl. Hawaiian Is 300, 1958." |
p. 552 | line 12 up: | After "ochracea"; insert "(Col.) Allan comb. nov. P. ochracea" (Parsonsia) |
p. 564 | line 20 up: | For "38" read "33" |
p. 591 | line 19 up: | Add "Alpine Plants ser. 2, 1874, 1, t. 1, edit. D. Wooster, describes and figures a plant of this sp. from the Botanic Gardens, Hull, which was the source also of the type material." (Nertera scapanioides) |
p. 609 | line 7 up: | Add "Aster pleurophyllum F. Muell. Fragm. Phyt. Austr. 5, 1865, 85." (Pleurophyllum speciosum) |
p. 610 | line 13: | Add "Aster criniferum (Hook. f.) F. Muell. Fragm. Phyt. Austr. 5, 1865, 85." (Pleurophyllum) |
p. 611 | line 14: | Add "Mueller (Fragm. Phyt. Austr. 5, 1865, 83–85) transfers 13 N.Z. spp. to Aster with some changes in those specific epithets already preoccupied in Aster." (Celmisia) |
p. 611 | line 35: | For "Subsecion" read "Subsection" |
p. 616 | line 5 up: | For "slender" read "± woody" (Celmisia lateralis) |
p. 620 | line 12 up: | For "105" read "165" |
p. 626 | line 22: | For "cm." read "mm." |
p. 628 | line 11 up: | After "glab." insert "(except for sparse glandular hairs)" (Celmisia sinclairii) |
p. 632 | line 17: | For "D. Petrie" read "J. Speden" |
p. 633 | line 27: | For "3–5 mm." read "3–8 mm." |
p. 641 | line 8 up: | Add "(since found, No. 50031)" (Celmisia cordatifolia var. brockettii) |
p. 649 | line 3: | For "17" read "65" |
p. 657 | line 18: | Follow by "Mueller (Fragm. Phyt. Austr. 5, 1865, 85–86) transfers some 12 N.Z. spp. to Aster, with brief comments." (OLEARIA) |
p. 664 | line 1: | For "750 m." read "summit." |
p. 669 | line 19: | For "minuta" read "miniata" (Olearia rani) |
p. 672 | line 27: | Add "To 4 m. tall and more tree-like in Central Otago." (Olearia virgata var. lineata) |
p. 673 | line 12 up: | For "1863" read "1862" (Olearia haastii) |
p. 676 | line 17: | For "41° 30'" read "43° 30'" (Haastia recurva) |
p. 679 | line 11 up: | For "(Sieb.)" read "(Sieb. ex Spreng.)" (Cotula australis) |
p. 693 | line 8 up: | For "Minn." read "Minneskr."; for "8, 1877" read "1878, Art. 8" |
p. 699 | line 4: | For "not located" read "K, comm. Dr Hector, Feb. 1882" (Gnaphalium traversii var. mackayi) |
p. 702 | line 1 up: | For "3" read "2" |
p. 703 | lines 7–10: | To read "11 Lf in upper part densely hairy on both surfaces, hair-tips mostly reaching or slightly over-topping glab. margin19. rubra Lf in upper part densely hairy on adaxial surface only, glab. margin clearly visible abaxially 12 12 Lf sts much wider at tip than at base, the tip ± corrugated with prominent veins when old 20. buchananii Lf-tip little wider than base, ± wrinkled but without prominent veins18. goyenii" |
p. 712 | line 4: | Follow by "Doubtfully distinct from the earlier-described R. goyenii." (Raoulia) |
p. 726 | line 27: | Delete "Plant not > c. 6 dm. tall;" (CASSINIA) |
p. 730 | line 9: | For "48" read "43" |
p. 730 | line 15: | For "erechthitoid" read "erechtitoid" |
p. 731 | line 22: | For "18/3/48" read "13/3/49" |
p. 738 | line 2 up: | After "glab." add "to sparsely pubescent" |
p. 760 | lines 17–18: | To read (Sonchus) "2. S. littoralis (Kirk) Ckn. Rep. bot. Surv. Kapiti Id 1907, 21. S. oleraceus L. ɣ littoralis Kirk in T.N.Z.I. 26, 1894, 265. S. asper Hill var. littoralis (Kirk) Kirk Stud. Fl. 1899, 362." |
p. 760 | line 19 up: | For "c. 15" read "3–5" (Sonchus littoralis) |
p. 760 | line 18 up: | After "ribs" add "on each face" |
p. 775 | line 21 up: | For "C." read "G." (Gentiana) |
p. 782 | line 30: | For "8, 1877" read "1878, Art. 8" |
p. 788 | lines 14–19: | Delete. (BD 84745 is not Wahlenbergia) |
p. 796 | line 4 up: | For "1826" read "1825" (PRATIA) |
p. 802 | lines 8–7 up: | For "8, 1877" read "1878, Art. 8" |
p. 804 | line 2: | Delete "Fuegia" (FORSTERA) |
p. 804 | lines 22–21 up: | For "Dusky Bay and Chalky Inlet." read "in summis montium altissimorum cacuminibus, in Novae Zeelandiae insula australi." |
p. 804 | line 20 up: | Before "Linnaeus" insert "The original description states; 'Flores albi vel carnei fauce rubra, semipollicares'." After "Linneaus f." insert "(Suppl. Pl. 1781, 407)" (Forstera sedifolia) |
p. 806 | line 1: | For "1877" read "1878" (OREOSTYLIDIUM) |
p. 806 | line 10: | For "8, 1877" read "1878, Art. 8" |
p. 819 | line 12 up: | For "Type locality" read "Original localities" (Myosotis suavis) |
p. 838 | line 17 up: | For "78122" read "76122" (Convolvulus verecundus) |
p. 846 | line 2: | For "502" read "426" (Glossostigma elatinoides) |
p. 848 | line 3: | After "diam.," insert "light purplish to" (Mimulus repens) |
p. 849 | line 4: | After "persistent" insert ", sts brightly coloured," (Mazus radicans) |
p. 852 | line 12: | For "Mangapohatu" read "Maungapohatu" (Euphrasia cuneata) |
p. 885 | line 12 up: | After "Guinea" insert "; one sp. recorded, as Veronica, from Rapa Id" (HEBE) |
p. 886 | line 38: | For "disinctive" read "distinctive" |
p. 888 | line 4: | After "narrow" insert "or absent" (Hebe insularis) |
p. 894 | lines 2–1 up: | For "lf-bud us. with small narrow sinus" read "sinus of lf-bud us absent, if present very small" (Hebe insularis) |
p. 903 | line 7 up: | After "Peninsula" add ", Little Barrier Id." (Hebe pubescens) |
p. 910 | line 26: | Follow by (under Hebe dieffenbachii) "A plant stated to be 'not uncommon from 180 to 315 metres altitude' on Rapa Id closely resembles the Chatham Is spp. It is Veronica rapensis F. Brown in Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu 130, 1935, 266, fig. 36. Brown's detailed description mentions all the common 'Chatham' characters listed above and his figures confirm the similarity." |
p. 917 | line 19 up: | For "12" read "15" (Hebe topiaria) |
p. 918 | line 7: | Add "In the wild, plants of H. topiaria reach a height of 2–3 metres and then are not of the symmetrical form common in cultivated plants." (Hebe) |
p. 920 | line 18 up: | For "; 1275/2 in Herb. Carse (CM) is chosen as lectotype." read "Type: BD, 10820, 'upper gorge of Lynn Stream, c. 400 m., Mt. Peel, rock crevice, decumbent, H.H.A. 3/1/1919', annotated in hand of H. H. Allan 'Type of H. amplexicaulis var. suberecta Ckn. et Allan'." (Hebe) |
p. 925 | line 3: | Follow by "Veronica vernicosa var. anomala (J. F. Armst.) Kirk in T.N.Z.I. 10, App. xxxviii. Kirk notes: ''A plant of this abnormal form kindly given to me by Mr Armstrong . . . presented characters somewhat at variance with those of the original description . . . This singular variety has more the appearance of a causal 'sport' than a permanent form . . . Mr Armstrong agrees with me in considering this a form of V. vernicosa, Hook. f.' " |
p. 935 | line 3: | For "Metcalfe" read "Metcalf" |
p. 946 | line 7 up: | Add "Plants matching the type are not uncommon at higher altitudes on Red Hills (= Morse's Mt), St Arnaud and Travers Ranges, all near L. Rotoiti, Nelson." (Hebe carnosula) |
p. 950 | line 36: | For "type" read "Roxburgh" (Hebe dartonii) |
p. 966 | line 21 up: | For "C. densiflora Hook. f." read "C. prorepens Petrie" (Celmisia) |
p. 976 | line 20: | After "rufescentia." add "Type: BD 9101, Tahuna, Nelson, H. H. Allan, 23/11/34." |
p. 979 | line 30: | For "chorophyll" read "chlorophyll" |
p. 1024 | lines 2–1 up: | Delete "following" |
p. 1024 | line 1 up: | Add "Later Johnson (in Degener New Ill. Fl. Hawaiian Is 300, 1958) pointed out that Nestegis Raf. has priority over Gymnelaea Spach, and he published a further set of new combinations." |
p. 1025 | line 2: | To read "NESTEGIS Raf., 1838" |
p. 1025 | line 12: | For "G. apetala" read "N. elliptica Raf. = N. apetala (Vahl) L. Johnson" |
p. 1025 | line 15: | For "G." read "N." |
p. 1025 | line 17: | For "G. apetala" read "N. apetala (Vahl) L. Johnson in Degener New Ill. Fl. Hawaiian Is 300, 1958. Gymnelaea apetala" |
p. 1025 | line 20: | To read "2. N. cunninghamii (Hook. f.) L. Johnson loc. cit. 1958. Olea" |
p. 1025 | line 22: | Add "Gymnelaea cunninghamii (Hook. f.) L. Johnson in Contr. N.S.W. Herb. 7, 1957, 412." |
p. 1025 | line 25: | To read "3. N. lanceolata (Hook. f.) L. Johnson loc. cit. 1958. Olea" |
p. 1025 | line 26: | Add "Gymnelaea lanceolata (Hook. f.) L. Johnson in Contr. N.S.W. Herb. 7, 1957, 412." |
p. 1025 | line 27: | Delete |
p. 1025 | line 29: | To read "4. N. montana (Hook. f.) L. Johnson loc. cit. 1958. Olea mon-" |
p. 1025 | line 30: | Add "Gymnelaea montana (Hook. f.) L. Johnson in Contr. N.S.W. Herb. 7, 1957, 413." |
p. 1035 | line 14: | For "GYMNELAEA" read "NESTEGIS" |
p. 1035 | line 15: | For "G." read "N." |
p. 1035 | line 16: | For "G." read "N." |
p. 1035 | line 17: | For "G." read "N." |
p. 1035 | line 18: | For "G." read "N." |
p. 1038 | col. 1, line 16: | After "dieffenbachii" insert "(F. Muell.)" |
p. 1038 | col. 2, line 34: | For "Salisb." read "Lindl." |
p. 1039 | col. 1, line 35: | After "dieffenbachii" insert "(F. Muell.)" |
p. 1039 | col. 2, line 37: | For "filifome" read "filiforme" |
p. 1039 | line 38: | After "Labill." insert "ex Vent." |
p. 1041 | col. 1, line 2: | Follow by "Aster 611, 657" |
p. 1041 | line 3: | Follow by "criniferum (Hook. f.) F. Muell. 610" |
p. 1041 | line 6: | Follow by "pleurophyllum F. Muell. 609" |
p. 1041 | line 39: | To read "exigua (Hook. f.) Kirk 453" |
p. 1041 | line 40: | After "haastii" insert "(Hook. f.)" |
p. 1041 | line 42: | After "hydrocotyloides" insert "(Hook. f.)" |
p. 1041 | line 44: | After "pallida" insert "(Kirk)" |
p. 1041 | line 46: | To read "reniformis (Hook. f.) Kirk 454" |
p. 1041 | line 47: | After "roughii" insert "(Hook. f.)" |
p. 1041 | line 49: | After "trifoliolata" insert "(Hook. f.)" |
p. 1041 | col. 2, line 35: | For "Allan" read "Ett." |
p. 1041 | line 52: | After "dissectum" insert "(Gray)" |
p. 1043 | col. 2, line 47: | After "376," insert "386," |
p. 1045 | col. 1, line 25: | After "654" add ", 966" |
p. 1046 | col. 1, line 56: | Delete |
p. 1048 | col. 1, line 45: | After "Sieb." insert "ex Spreng." |
p. 1051 | col. 2, line 32: | For "Drymaria" read "Drynaria" |
p. 1056 | col. 1, line 57: | After "elatinoides" insert "(Benth.)" |
p. 1057 | col. 2, line 38: | For "Juss." read "A. Juss." |
p. 1058 | col. 1, line 16: | Delete |
p. 1063 | col. 2, line 27: | Follow by "var. pubescens Kirk 323" |
p. 1063 | line 58: | After "richei" insert "(Labill.)" |
p. 1064 | col. 1, line 16: | After "dieffenbachii" insert "(F. Muell.)" |
p. 1068 | col. 1, line 45: | For "Kirk" read "DC." |
p. 1069 | col. 1, line 25: | Follow by "Nestegis Raf., see Olea, Gymnelaea" |
p. 1069 | col. 2, line 54: | For "minuta" read "miniata" |
p. 1071 | col. 1, line 36: | To read "corniculata L." |
p. 1072 | col. 1, line 21: | For "Col." read "(Col.) Allan" |
p. 1072 | line 29: | Follow by "ochracea Col. 552" |
p. 1073 | col. 2, line 12: | After "crassicaule" insert "Ckn. ex" |
p. 1074 | col. 2, line 41: | Follow by "Polyphlebium Cop. 34 venosum (R. Br.) Cop. 34" |
p. 1075 | col. 1, lines 33–34: | Delete |
p. 1077 | col. 1, line 3: | Follow by "glabrifolius Hook. 163" |
p. 1077 | line 16: | Follow by "huttensis Wall 164" |
p. 1077 | col. 2, line 8: | After "162," insert "163," |
p. 1077 | line 20: | After "Simpson" insert "et Thomson" |
p. 1077 | line 55: | After "711," insert "712," |
p. 1078 | col. 2, line 17: | For "Sol. ex Hook. f." read "Forst. ex Spreng." |
p. 1080 | col. 2, line 48: | After "littoralis" insert "(Kirk)" |
p. 1080 | line 50: | For "Allan" read "Ckn." |
p. 1080 | line 52: | Follow by "oleraceus L. var. littoralis Kirk 760" |
p. 1081 | col. 1, line 19: | After "lyallii" insert "(Hook. f.)" |
p. 1081 | col. 2, line 8: | After "fraseri" insert "(A. Cunn.)" |
p. 1082 | col. 1, line 9: | After "billardieri" insert "(Moq.)" |
p. 1082 | line 13: | For "Allan" read "E. St John" |
p. 1082 | line 14: | For "Allan" read "Small" |
p. 1082 | line 15: | Delete "(Salisb.)" |
p. 1082 | line 16: | For "Allan" read "Tard." |
p. 1082 | lines 47–48: | Transpose to precede line 56 |
p. 1084 | col. 2, line 51: | Follow by "rapensis F. Brown 910" |
p. 1084 | line 58: | After "941," insert "947," |
p. 1085 | col. 1, line 40: | Follow by "var. anomala (J. F. Armst.) Kirk 925" |