Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Listed below are collectors whose lichen specimens are known in major herbaria. For deceased collectors, dates of birth and death are included where known, together with known locations of their lichen collections. Herbaria with major holdings (often the collector's personal lichen herbarium) are marked with an asterisk. Personal herbaria of contemporary collectors are designated private. This list must be regarded as preliminary only and will doubtless be added to once the scattered New Zealand holdings in the major herbaria of the world are properly investigated. Dates of birth and death are taken from Barnhard ["Biographical notes upon botanists" Vols 1-3, Boston: G.K. Hall & Co. (1965)], Desmond ["Dictionary of British and Irish botanists and horticulturists" London: Taylor and Francis (1977)] and Hertel [Mitt. Bot. StSamml. Münch. 16: 333-462 (1980); Ibid. 17: 185-230 (1981)]. In New Zealand, lichens are held in the following herbaria: AK, AKU, CANU, CHR, OTA, NZFRI, WELT.

Adams, N.M. CHR, WELT*

Allan, H.H.B. 1882-1957 BM, BP, CHR*, OTA, UPS, W

Allison, K.W. 1894-1976 CHR*, OTA, W

Anderson, J.M. OTA

Anderson, W. 1750-1778 BM*

Atkinson, I.A.E. CHR

Attwood, J.E. 1882-1945 CHR*, W

Bailey, R.W. CHR

Banks, J. 1743-1820 BM*, LINN

Bartlett, J.K. Private*, AK, ALTA, BM, CHR, GZU, H, LU, MB, MIL, UPS, US, W, WU

Bartlett, J.W. CHR, W

Barton, I.L. CHR

Baylis, G.T.S. AK, CHR, OTA, W

Beckett, T.W.N. 1838-1906 BM, CHR*, FI, GLAM, UPS

Beddie, A.D. 1880-1962 CHR, W

Berggren, S. 1837-1917 BM, LD, S*, UPS

Beuzenberg, E. CHR

Billings, W.D. OTA

Bishop, D.G. OTA

Braggins, J.E. AK

Bratt, G.C. 1931-1977 BM, HO*, CHR, S, UPS, MEL

Brown, I. CHR

Buchanan, J. 1819-1898 BM, CHR, GLAM, WELT*

Bulfin, M.J.A. (née Simpson) CHR*

Bunbury, C. fl. 1870s BM

Burrows, C.J. CANU*, CHR, Herb. Dodge

Campbell, Andrew, D. CHR

Campbell, Arthur, D. OTA

Caveney, R.J. CHR

Chamberlain, E.E. CHR*, W

Chapman, M.A. OTA

Chettleburgh, V.J. OTA

Child, J. Private, BM, CHR, OTA

Child, P. Private, BM, CHR, OTA

Clark, E. CHR

Clark, M. OTA

Cockayne, L. 1855-1934 CHR

Coleman, J. CHR

Colenso, W. 1811-1899 BM, E, G, H-NYL, M, PC, UPS, VER, WELT*

Corbett, R.E. OTA

Cranwell, L.M. AK, CHR*, W

Cunningham, A. 1791-1839 E, BM*, M

Cunningham, R. 1793-1835 BM*

Cunninghame, R.G. CHR, OTA

Dakin, A.J. Private, CHR

Dalrymple, K.W. CHR

Daly, G.T. CHR, OTA

Davey, J.W. CHR

Davidson, M.M. CHR*

Degelius, G. Private

Diels, F.L.E. 1874-1945 B*, BM, MEL

Dingley, J.M. CHR, OTA

Dodge, C.W. Private

Du Rietz, G.E. 1895-1967 BM, CHR, GB, LD, OTA, S*, UPS, UPSV, US

Dumont D'Urville, J.S.C. 1790-1842 BM, FI, L, PC*, H-NYL, W

Eaton, M.G. CHR, OTA, WELT

Edwards, P.J. CHR

Elix, J.A. Private, BM, CHR

Emerson, G.W. CHR, OTA

Filhol, H. 1843-1902 BM, FI, H-NYL, PC*

Fineran, B.A. CANU*, Herb. Dodge

Fitzgerald, E.B. OTA

Forster, J.G.A. 1754-1794 BM, E, G, LINN, M, S, UPS-THUNBERG

Forster, R.R. WELT

Fortune, L.R. OTA

Galloway, D.J. CHR*, BM*, OTA

Garnock-Jones, P.J. CHR

Given, D.R. CHR

Given, W.A. CHR, W

Godley, E.J. CHR

Goebel, K.I.E. 1855-1932 M*

Grierson, S. CHR

Grimmett, M.R. OTA

Gulliver, B. M (undated)

Haast, J.F.J. 1824-1887 BM*, M, W, WELT

Hamilton, D. OTA

Hamilton, W.W. CHR, W

Harris, R.C. MSC*

Hayward, B.W. AK, BM, CHR, Private

Hayward, G.C. AK, BM, CHR, Private

Healy, A.J. CHR*

Hector, J. 1834-1907 BM*, E, M

Heine, E.M. CHR, W

Helms, R. 1842-1914 CHR, BM, FI, H-NYL, MANCH, M, PC, W, WU

Hochstetter, C.G.F. 1829-1884 M, W*

Hodgson, E.A. CHR, W

Holdsworth, P.N. CHR

Holloway, J.E. 1881-1945 CHR, OTA, W

Holloway, J.S. CHR

Holloway, J.T. 1914-1977 OTA

Hollyman, D. OTA

Hombron, J.B. 1800-1852 BM, M, PC*

Home, E. 1798-1853 BM

Hooker, J.D. 1817-1911 BM*, E, G, FI, H-NYL, M, PC, S, UPS, VER

Horning, D. CHR, MEL

Hügel, C.A.A. 1794-1870 M

Imshaug, H.A. MSC*

Jablonszky, J. BP*

James, P.W. BM*, CHR, OTA

Jelinek, A. fl. 1850s W*, BM, M

Jolliffe, J. 1822-1887 BM

Jones, T. (Admiral) ?1790-1868 ?DBN, H-NYL,

Kennedy, L.D. CHR

Kennedy, T.H. CHR

Knight, C. 1808-1891 WELT*, BM, BP, E, G, Genoa (Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria"), H-NYL, KIEL, LD, M, PC, MEL, S, TUR, UPS, W, WRSL, ZT

Krone, H. fl. 1870s BM, M, ?W

Lam, H.J. 1892-1977 L, M

Lamb, I.M. Private FH

Lauterbach, C.A.G. 1864-1937 WRSL

Le Guillou fl. 1840s M, PC

Leigh, D.H. CHR, W

Lesson, R.P. 1794-1849 PC, M

Lindsay, W.L. 1829-1880 E*, BM, H-NYL, M

Lyall, D. 1817-1895 BM*, ABD, E, G, M, PC

Maas, W.G. Private

Mackay, W. CHR

Mark, A.F. CHR, OTA

Martin, W. 1886-1975 CHR*, BM, H, OTA, ?US

Mason, D. OTA

Mason, R. CHR

McCormick, R. 1800-1890 BM*, E

McCraw, R.H. OTA

McMahon, J.H. 1873-1948 CHR, WELT

Meebold, A.K. 1863-1952 M

Menzies, A. 1754-1842 BM, E*, FH, G, LINN-SM, M, S, UPS-THUNBERG

Meurk, C.D. CANU, CHR, OTA, Private

Millener, L.H. CHR

Moar, N.T. CHR

Molloy, B.P.J. CHR

Molloy, L.F. CHR

Monro, D. BM*

Moore, L.B. AK, CHR*, W

Mossman, S. fl. 1850s BM

Murray, J. 1923-1961 OTA*, BM, CHR

Ohlsson, K.E. MSC*

Oliver, W.R.B. 1883-1957 AK, BM

Palmer, G.S. CHR

Parsons, M.J. CHR

Paton, H. fl. 1860s GLAM*, BM

Philipson, W.R. CANU*, CHR, Herb. Dodge, OTA

Pickering, C. 1805-1878 US

Pinkerton Dr fl. 1870s GLAM

Poole, A.L. CHR

Raoul, E.F.L. 1815-1852 PC*, BM, FI

Rawlings, G.B. 1906-1978 CHR

Rawson, T.W. CHR


Salmon, J.T. WELT

Sato, M. Private, CHR

Schweinfurth, U. M*

Scott, D. OTA*, BM

Scott, G.A.M. OTA

Simpson, M.J.A. CHR*

Sinclair, A. 1796-1861 BM*, E, FI, G, M

Slade, B.F. OTA

Smith, Captain fl. 19th century, M

Smith, R.F. OTA

Solander, D.C. 1733-1782 BM, LINN

Sorensen, J.H. CHR

Stanger, Dr 1812-1854, BM, FH*

Stephenson, W. ?1810- c. 1863 BM*, G, M, UPS

Sturm, ?19th century M

Taylor, M. CHR

Taylor, J. BM, CHR, OTA, COLO*, M

Thomson, J.S. 1883-1943 OTA*, BM, CHR, Genoa (Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria"), W, Herb. Motyka

Thomson, W.A. CHR

Tibell, L. UPS*

Tilden, J. ?1869-1957 BM, E, G

Travers, H.H. 1844-1928 PC

Travers, W.T.L. 1819-1903 BM, PC

Visch, L. Private, CANU, CHR, OTA, Herb. Dodge

Wade, A.E. BM*, NZFRI, Private

Walter, E. M

Watters, W. OTA

Wawra von Fernsee, H.R. 1831-1887 M, W

Wilhelmi, C. 19th century M

Wilkins, A.L. BM, CHR

Wilkinson, A.S. CHR

Wilson, H.D. CHR*

Woodhead, C.E. CHR

Wright, A.E. AK

Wylie, A.P. BM, OTA

Zotov, V.D. 1908-1977 CHR

Between 7 and 15 September 1981, the International Association for Lichenology met for a field excursion in New Zealand, visiting localities near the Lewis Pass and Cass areas, the Craigieburn Forest Park, Cave Stream, Porter's Pass and Weka Pass. The excursion was led by D.J. Galloway (NZ) and comprised the following: T. Ahti and L. Hämet-Ahti (Helsinki), O. Almborn (Lund), J.K. Bartlett (NZ), L. Brako (New York), I.M. Brodo (Ottawa), W.L. Buck (New York), J. Christy (Oregon), M.M. Davidson (NZ), J. Fildes (Kent), A. Henssen (Marburg), Y. Ikoma (Tottori City), P.W. James (London), P.M. Jørgensen (Bergen), H. Krog (Oslo), H. Mayrhofer (Graz), C.D. Meurk (NZ), T.H. Nash (Tempe, Arizona), M.J.A. Simpson (NZ), H.J.M. Sipman (Utrecht), S. Tucker (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) and F.J. Walker (London).

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