Stereocaulon trachyphloeum
Description : Flora (1985: 549).
Chemistry : Thallus K+ yellow, C−, KC−, Pd+ red; containing atranorin, protocetraric and fumarprotocetraric acid; perlatolic and anziaic acids in the apothecia.
N: South Auckland (Ruapehu, Thunderbolt Peak, Kaimanawa Ra.) S: Westland (Kelly Ra.), Canterbury (Arthur's Pass), Otago (Mt Elespie, Crescent Creek, Stag Pass, Barrier River, Alabaster Pass, Bryneira Ra.), Southland (Mt Clerke, Resolution I., Mt Hodges above Cascade Cove, Dusky Sound). St: (Mt Allen, Tin Ra.). On alpine to high-alpine rock outcrops in high-rainfall areas. Known also from Tasmania (Galloway et al. 1976; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Illustration : Galloway et al. (1976: 65, pl. 2).
Stereocaulon trachyphloeum is characterised by: the saxicolous habit; the coarse, sparingly branched podetia (to 9 cm tall) with a continuous, coarsely scabrid, verruculose-areolate cortex; sorediate apices of branches; rather sparse phyllocladia; conspicuous, stalked cephalodia to 3 mm diam., wrinkled-scrobiculate and minutely areolate (×10 lens); and a chemistry of atranorin, protocetraric and fumarprotocetraric acids.