Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Juncus holoschoenus R.Br.

J. holoschoenus R. Br. Prodr. 1810, 259.

J. holoschoenus var. multiflorus Carse in T.N.Z.I.  60,  1929,  305.

Type locality: Australian. Type: BM.

Loosely tufted, rhizomatous at the base. Stems 15–45–(75) cm. × 1.5–3–(4) mm., erect, terete or very slightly compressed. Lvs ∞, both basal and cauline, us. ± = or > stems, 2–4 mm. wide, terete or only slightly compressed, hollow, unitubular, transversely septate across whole If-width, If-tip acuminate; sheaths long, incompletely septate with 2 obtuse auricles. Infl. terminal, cymose, with globular fascicles of fls at the tips of distinct branchlets; varying from a few branchlets with a few fascicles of 10–20 fls, to very many branchlets with 15–60 fascicles of 6–40 fls; subtending bract lfy, < infl., septate with complete cross-partitions. Fls 3–4 mm. long; tepals ± equal, acuminate, green or greenish brown. Stamens 6, c. ½ length of tepals. Capsule 3.5–4.5 × 1–1.3 mm., = or slightly > tepals, ovate-lanceolate, triquetrous, gradually tapering to a mucronate tip.

DIST.: N. Local in swampy ground, sea level to 1,000 m. altitude. S. Very rare in Canterbury.

J. holoschoenus var. multiflorus Carse was described from "Swampy places near Albany; New Lynn; Titirangi; all in the vicinity of Auckland". Carse's specimens 491/1–491/7 at CANTY have not been found although notes made on them by L. B. Moore suggest either 491/4 or 491/5 as a possible type. CHR 3235 is a duplicate of Carse's 491/5 "on muddy bank of creek, golf links, New Lynn, Auckland" Carse, 16/1/1923. WELT 11297 is from "swampy creek, New Lynn, golf links," H. Carse, 7/2/1922, but Carse did not label it var. multiflorus at that time.

J. B. Armstrong in T.N.Z.I. 12, 1880, 344, listed J. holoschoenus as occurring on Banks Peninsula and there is a specimen at CANTY from New Brighton, J. B. Armstrong. A recent collection in Canterbury is CHR 123340, Selwyn River, near main North-South Highway bridge, A. J. Healy, 18/4/1955.

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