Type : Naetrocymbe fuliginea Körb. ex Körb. [=Naetrocymbe fumago (Wallr.) Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Verrucaria fumago Wallr.)]
Description : Thallus inconspicuous, or somewhat darkened through abundant brown hyphae, not lichenised or facultatively lichenised. Ascomata perithecia, scattered, minute 0.1–0.25 mm diam., black or dark-brown, subconical, often collapsed, with a distinct, non-periphysate pore. Involucrellum brown to dark-brown or black. Hamathecium of short-celled pseudoparaphyses, branched, anastomosing, moniliform. Asci bitunicate, I−, sessile or very shortly-stalked, obpyriform, 8-spored. Ascospores colourless (somewhat yellowish or brownish when over-mature), soleiform, 1-septate to submuriform, slightly constricted at septa, perispore distinct, ornamented. Conidiomata pycnidia. Microconidia, short, bacillar.
Naetrocymbe is a genus of 12 species growing on smooth bark (Kirk et al. 2001) and included in the family Naetrocymbaceae (Eriksson 1981; Harris 1995; Eriksson et al. 2004; Pennycook & Galloway 2004; Eriksson 2005). Formerly included in Arthopyrenia s. lat., it is now considered distinct because of several characters, viz. short-celled pseudoparaphyses; obpyriform asci lacking an apical nasse; ornamented ascospores; and short, bacillar microconidia (Eriksson 1981: 112; Harris 1995: 59). One species is known from New Zealand where it is common and widespread on the smooth bark of introduced trees (especially Betula pendula).