"d. dendriothamnodes"
Description : Flora (1985: 153–154).
Chemistry : TLC−, all reactions negative.
N: Northland to Wellington. S: Nelson (Lake Rotoiti) to Fiordland (Borland Saddle), both E and W (especially) of the Main Divide. St: A: On tree trunks and on twigs (especially species of Nothofagus), often among bryophytes in moderate to deep shade, in moist, humid habitats. Sometimes forming photosymbiodemes with Sticta latifrons (James & Henssen 1976), the small, stalked, green leaflets of which contrast vividly with the dark blue-grey, coralloid thallus of "Dendriscocaulon". Known also from SE Australia where it also forms photosymbiodemes with Sticta stipitata (Wilson 1891, 1893; Cheel 1910, 1912; Dughi 1944; James & Henssen 1976; Kantvilas 1995; Galloway 1997, 1998e; Kantvilas & Jarman 1999; McCarthy 2003c, 2006). Since two different species of Sticta are involved, it is likely that the "Dendriscocaulon" states in New Zealand and Tasmania are also different. Molecular studies should clarify this.
Illustrations : Dughi (1944: tab. 16, pl. 1, 2); James & Henssen (1976: pl. IIB–E; pl. VIIG–I); Kantvilas (1995: 94); Galloway (1997: 112, fig. 6); Kantvilas & Jarman (1999: 65).
"Dendriscocaulon dendriothamnodes" is characterised by: the caulescent habit springing from a basal holdfast, and without a defined central stalk, to 3 cm tall; a cyanobacterial photobiont; and densely pubescent branches.