Arthothelium fusconigrum
≡Arthonia fusconigra Nyl., Annls Sci. nat. Bot. sér. 4, 11: 245 (1859).
=Arthothelium fusconigrum f. endophoeniceum Zahlbr., Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-naturwiss. Kl. 104: 260 (1941).
Arthothelium fusconigrum f. endophoeniceum. Lectotype: New Zealand. Auckland. Rangitoto I., on Avicennia resinifera, L.B. Moore ZA 14 – CHR 241774 [fide Galloway (1985a: 19)].
Description : Flora (1985: 19).
N: Auckland, Rangitoto I. Known also from Brazil and Tahiti (Nylander 1888; Elix & McCarthy 1998).
Arthothelium fusconigrum is characterised by: the corticolous habit; a whitish or glaucous-grey, distinctly flaking thallus; sessile to subinnate, black or dark red-brown, round to suboblong apothecia to 1 mm diam.; a brownish epithecium; colourless hymenium; colourless to brownish, ovoid ascospores with 1–7 transverse septa and 1–3 vertical septa, (25–)28–38 × 12–25 μm, without an enlarged terminal cell.