Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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Micarea peliocarpa

M. peliocarpa (Anzi) Coppins & R. Sant. in B.J. Coppins & P.W. James, Lichenologist 11 (2): 155 (1979).

Bilimbia peliocarpa Anzi, Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. 9: 250 (1866).

Description : Flora (1985: 292–293).

Chemistry : Thallus and apothecia K−, C+ red, KC+ red, Pd−; containing gyrophoric acid.

S: Canterbury (Boyle River). On mossy stones in shaded sites at forest margin. Known also from Great Britain, Iceland, Azores, Canary Is, Central and Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, North and South America (Coppins 1983; Santesson 1993; Esslinger & Egan 1995; Martínez & Hafellner 1998; Scholz 2000; Brodo et al. 2001; Calvelo & Liberatore 2001; Aptroot 2002e; Coppins 2002b; Nimis & Martellos 2003; Santesson et al. 2004).


Illustrations : Coppins (1983: 27, fig. 3A–C; 51, fig. 25; 79, fig. 48); Boqueras (2000: 269, fig. 40B, E); Brodo et al. (2001: 443, pl. 511).

Micarea peliocarpa is characterised by: the saxicolous/terricolous habit; pale-grey, granular or areolate thallus; scattered to crowded, convex to tuberculate, brown-black, greyish to black apothecia; fusiform often curved, (1–)3(–5)-septate ascospores, (11–)15–24 × 3–6 μm; and pycnidia producing two types of conidia: macroconidia (curved, sigmoid, simple, (19–)20–40(–50) × 1–1.5 μm), and microconidia (straight, narrowly fusiform, 5–7.5 × 0.4–0.7 μm); and gyrophoric acid (C+ red).

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