Lichens Pan-Z (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition Pan-Z
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Sticta filix

S. filix (Sw.) Nyl., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 9: 246 (1866).

Lichen filix Sw., Meth. Musc.: 36 (1781).

Lobaria filix (Sw.) Räuschel, Nomencl. bot.: 329 (1797).

Platisma filix (Sw.) Hoffm., Descr. pl. cl. crypt.3:1 (1801).

=Sticta filicina Ach.., Methodus: 275 (1870) nom. superfl.

Stictina filicina (Ach.) Nyl., Syn. meth. lich. 2 (1): 349 (1860).

=Sticta laevigata Kremp., Reise Novara Bot. 1: 118 (1870).

Sticta filix var. laevigata (Kremp.) Stizenb, Flora 81: 125 (1895).

Lobaria laevigata (Kremp.) Hellb., Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 21 (3/13): 40 (1896).

Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco (prob. Dusky Sound), G. Forster – UPS-THUNBERG 29191 [fide Galloway (1985a: 555)]. Isotypes – BM, S.

Descriptions : Flora (1985: 554–555). See also Galloway (1997: 134–135).

N: S: St: Throughout [map in Galloway (1997: 136, fig. 24)], common in forested areas, in light to moderate shade in high-humidity habitats, on bark of forest trees and shrubs and tree ferns (often at the base and on buttresses of forest trees), on streamside rocks, often well-developed on the forest floor, occasionally on rocks in subalpine grassland, s.l. to 1600 m. It also tolerates deep shade in forest habitats and, although most commonly epiphytic, it also grows on rocks drenched in waterfall spray, and will even survive periodic inundation along streamsides. In such habitats it may form "Dendriscocaulon" photosymbiodemes (James & Henssen 1976). Known also from Australia (Galloway 1998e, 2001f; McCarthy 2003c, 2006). It may also ocasionally be infected with galls of the lichenicolous fungus * Plectocarpon sticticola (q.v.).


Exsiccati : Vězda (1982a: No. 1838; 1997b: No. 277).

Illustrations : Swartz (1781: tab. II, fig. 2 – as Lichen filix); Hoffmann (1801: tab. 55, fig. 1, 2 – as Platysma filix); Delise (1825: pl. 12, fig. 49 – as Sticta filicina); Martin & Child (1972: 121, pl. 33); Malcolm & Malcolm (1989: 90, 128, 129; 2000: 53); Lange (1992: 47); Galloway (1997: 107, fig. 2; 108, fig. 4; 133, fig. 22; 134, fig. 23); Malcolm & Galloway (1997: 46, 109).

Sticta filix is characterised by: the corticolous (occasionally also saxicolous) habit; an elongated basal stalk; a green photobiont; rather ragged, dissected margins; and a prominent raised midrib on the lower surface. It is distinct from S. lacera, which has a much smaller, delicate thallus.

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