Leptogium crispatellum
Holotype: New Zealand. Ad cortices, Greymouth, 1886. Richard Helms – H-NYL 41461.
Description : Flora (1985: 251).
N: Northland (Three Kings Is) to South Auckland (Otorohanga). S: Nelson (Takaka) to Southland (Invercargill). C: (Mt Beeman). Among mosses on clay banks and alongside paths in gardens, on damp soil, on bark, on acid rocks and also on limestone, s.l. to 2100 m (map in Galloway 1999: 332, fig. 7). It is known from the following phorophytes: Agathis australis, Cupressus macrocarpa, Griselinia littoralis, Metrosideros excelsa, Populus nigra, Prumnopitys ferruginea. It is also known from Tasmania, Marion I., Heard I., and the South Shetland Is (Verdon 1992a: 183; McCarthy 2003c, 2006; Øvstedal & Lewis Smith 2004).
Leptogium crispatellum is characterised by: the muscicolous/terricolous/saxicolous habit; rather small, crowded lobes that are naked below, and having lacerate–ragged and often phyllidiate margins, and laminal phylllidia. The lobes are very often characteristically browned (a character that distinguished it from L. denticulatum), and in exposed sites thalli are pulvinate and often ±blackened.