Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Pterostylis montana Hatch

P. montana Hatch in T.R.S.N.Z. 77, 1949, 239, Pl. 22.

Type locality: Halfmoon Bay, Stewart Island. Type: AK 24628 Herb. E. D. Hatch No. 564, C. Smith 11/1946.

Plant c. 3–30–(35) cm. tall at fl. Stem erect, smooth, internodes much < lvs. Lvs up to 6, the size changing from below upwards, the largest lf on a stem to c. 14–(18) × 1 cm., but often much smaller; all linear-lanceolate, acuminate, widest near sessile sheathing base and, except on smallest plants, ± overtopping fl. Fl. solitary, ovary us. erect. Dorsal sepal c. 2–2.5–3 cm. tall, tip ± horizontal, rather abruptly acute to shortly acuminate; lateral sepals diverging from a narrow angle, tips acuminate, separating from one another in young bud, not greatly exceeding galea in mature fl. Petals little shorter than dorsal sepal, broad almost to tip. Labellum oblong, little arched, broad almost to apex, there subacute and often twisted to one side (us. to right), the margins there deflexed as if pinched in about the prominent almost excurrent midrib. Column about as tall as labellum; stigma short, broad, oval to cordate, inclined to be prominent.

DIST.: N., S., St. From c. lat. 39º southwards:

Forest floor to open places.

FL. 11–12–(1).

P. montana var. rubricaulis (Cheesem.) Hatch in T.R.S.N.Z. 77, 1949, 240, Pl. 23 is discussed under P. graminea Hook. f.

P. furcata var. linearis Hatch in T.R.S.N.Z. 77, 1949, 243, Pl. 29, 2. Type locality: Murimotu, south of Waiouru. Type: AK 24686 Herb. E. D. Hatch No. 565, E. D. Hatch 12/1944. "Flowers December, 3,000–4,000 ft. Abundant in Hypolaena bogs." Description, figures and plants from the original gathering all suggest P. montana. In pakihi lands of Westland similar plants show the broadly cordate stigma described and figured by Hatch for var. linearis.

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