Usnea ciliata
≡Neuropogon melaxanthus var. ciliatus Nyl., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 9: 245 (1866).
≡Neuropogon ciliatus (Nyl.) Kremp., Verhandl. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 18: 313 (1868).
≡Usnea melaxantha var. ciliata (Nyl.) Müll.Arg., Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 31 (2): 26 (1892).
Holotype: New Zealand. Nelson, Tarndale, i.1861, Dr A. Sinclair – H-NYL 36365. Isotypes – BM, E.
Description : Flora (1985: 318).
Chemistry : Medulla K+ yellow→red, C−, KC+ red, Pd+ orange-red; containing norstictic, protocetraric (±), salazinic, and usnic acids.
N: Gisborne (Mt Hikurangi), Hawke's Bay (Kaweka Ra.), Wellington (Ruapehu, Otupae Ra., N. Ruahine Ra., Tararua Ra.). S: Nelson (Kakapo Peak, Schist Mt, Crimea Ra., Mt Robert, St Arnaud Ra.), Marlborough (Branch River, Mt Tapae-o-uenuku, Mt Mitre, Mt Fyffe), Canterbury (Mt Trovatore, Temple Basin Arthur's Pass, Craigieburn Ra., Cass, Porter's Pass, Torlesse Ra., Castle Rock Banks Peninsula, Two Thumb Ra., Ben Ohau Ra., Mt Peel, Four Peaks Ra.), Otago (Mt Avalanche, Mt Sir William, Humboldt Mts, The Remarkables, Mt Roy, Pisa Ra., Dunstan Mts, Old Man Ra., Poolburn Reservoir, Lake Onslow, Rock & Pillar Ra., Silver Peaks), Southland (Grave-Talbot Pass, Takahe Valley, Thomson Mts, Borland Saddle, West Dome, Mid Dome). St: (Mt Anglem). On rock faces, outcrops and boulders in fellfield, 550–3000 m. The most common and widespread species of sect. Neuropogon in New Zealand.
Exsiccati : Vězda (1985: No. 2074; 1999a: No. 385).
Illustrations : Galloway (1968: 471, Fig. 1 – as Neuropogon ciliatus); Martin & Child (1972: 84, pl. 14 – as N. ciliatus); Moore & Irwin (1978: 15, fig. 6 – as N. ciliatus); Wilson (1978: 276, pl. 528 – as N. ciliata [sic.]; 1996: 354, pl. 547 – as N. ciliatus);Walker (1985: 75, fig. 20; 76, fig. 21); Malcolm & Galloway (1997: 101, 114 – as N. ciliatus); Malcolm & Malcolm (2000: 98 – as N. ciliatus).
Usnea ciliata is characterised by: the saxicolous habit; the erect thallus arising from a proliferating holdfast; a monopodial to moderately branched thalline branches, often with violaceous-black pigmentation; a smooth, waxy, black-annulate surface; a compact medulla and a thick axis; subterminal, geniculate apothecia with a black disc and conspicuous excipular rays; and norstictic and salazinic acids in the medulla.