Gyalidea cerina
Holotype: New Zealand. South I., Nelson, Brook Stream Lookout Track, 41°18.9's, 173°17.5'E, 200 m, on siliceous rock, 17.xii.1993, W.M. Malcolm 1441 – CHR. Isotypes – Herb. W.M. Malcolm, Herb. A. Vězda.
Description : Thallus, thin, sordid ochre, irregularly cracked–diffract, without a delimiting prothallus. Photobiont cells spherical, 4–8 μm diam. Apothecia gyalectoid, sessile to semi-immersed, 0.3–0.5 mm diam., 0.08–0.1 mm tall, abundant, solitary to 2–3–confluent, round, Margins entire, pale waxy yellow, translucent when moist. Disc concave at first becoming plane at maturity, concolorous with margins, translucent when moist. Exciple paraplectenchymatous, hyaline near surface brownish, 60–80 μm thick below hymenium, 35–50 μm thick at sides. Hymenium colourless, 70–75 μm tall, paraphyses simple, 0.8–1 μm diam., apices slightly swollen, 1.5–2 μm diam., septa indistinct. Asci clavate–cylindrical, 60 × 15 μm. Ascospores broadly ellipsoidal, apices obtuse, muriform, with 4–5(–7) transverse septa, and 1–3 longitudinal septa, (12–)14–16(–20) × 6–9 μm, strongly constricted at septa, halonate.
S: Nelson (Brook Stream, Maitai Road). On acid rocks, still very poorly collected.
Illustration : Malcolm & Vězda (1995e: 459, fig. 1).
Gyalidea cerina is characterised by: the saxicolous habit; the waxy yellow apothecia; the paraplectenchymatous exciple, brownish below the hymenium; and muriform ascospores (12–)14–16(–20) × 6–9 μm.