Muellerella Hepp
Type : * Muellerella polyspora Hepp ex Müll.Arg.
Description : Lichenicolous, immersed in thalli and ascomata of host. Ascomata perithecia, 70–400 μm diam, broadly spherical, twice as broad as high, black; wall carbonised, a pseudoparenchyma of textura angularis. Paraphysoids and pseudoparaphyses absent, but periphyses and numerous periphysoids present. Asci broadly clavate to subcylindrical, thick-walled, (16–)24–100-spored. Ascospores oval, ellipsoidal, oblong to bacillar, simple to 3-septate, hyaline at first becoming pale- to dark-brown at maturity, thin- or thick-walled with a smooth perispore. Conidiomata pycnidia, immersed, 40–100 μm diam. Conidia bacillar, colourless, simple.
Muellerella is a genus of 12 species, all lichenicolous or bryophilous (Santesson 1960; Hawksworth 1979b, 2003; Diederich 1986, 2003; Triebel 1989; Alstrup & Hawksworth 1990; Matzer 1993; Sérusiaux et al. 1999; Triebel & Kainz 2004a). It is included in the family Verrucariaceae (Eriksson et al. 2004: Pennycook & Galloway 2004). Muellerella is a pyrenocarpous genus characterised by perithecia producing brown, 1-septate ascospores in multispored asci. Two species are so far recorded from New Zealand, but the genus is still very poorly studied and collected here.