Zwackhiomyces dispersus
≡*Arthopyrenia dispersa Lahm ex Körb., Parerga Lich.: 388 (1865).
Description : Lichenicolous, parasymbiontic on thalli and apothecia of Xanthoria elegans. Pseudothecia 100–150(–175) μm diam., globose to pyriform, black, semi-immersed to sessile, wall dark-brown, 14–25(–40) μm thick. Paraphysoids numerous, strongly branching and anastomosing, 1–1.5 μm thick. Asci cylindrical, thick-walled, 58–88 × 14–18 μm, 4–(6–8)-spored. Ascospores colourless to pale-brownish, ellipsoidal, with a distinctly warted perispore, (17.5–)18–22.5(–26) × (6.5–)7–9 μm.
N: Sine loco, W. Colenso (BM). Known also from Great Britain, Europe, and North America (Triebel 1989; Grube & Hafellner 1990; Esslinger & Egan 1995; Llimona & Hladun 2001).
Host : On thalli of Xanthoria elegans (Kondratyuk & Galloway 1994: 28). Known elsewhere from thalli of Protoblastenia rupestris (Triebel 1989: 119; Grube & Hafellner 1990: 314; Scholz 2000: 274).
Illustrations : Triebel (1989: 89, fig. 9C); Grube & Hafellner (1990: 315, fig. 11).
* Zwackhiomyces dispersus is characterised by: the lichenicolous habit; semi-immersed to sessile pseudothecia on thalli and apothecia of Xanthoria elegans; 4-spored asci; colourless to pale-brownish ascospores, (17.5–)18–22.5(–26) × (6.5–)7–9 μm, with a distinctly warted epispore.