Siphulastrum triste
Description : Flora (1985: 527).
Chemistry : Argopsin and triterpenoids.
S: Canterbury (above Lewis Pass), Otago (Silver Peaks, Swampy Hill, Maungatua). St: (Tin Ra., Port Pegasus). On soil in subalpine heaths or peat bogs and in fellfield in tussock grassland. Known also from Chile and Tierra del Fuego (Galloway & Quilhot 1999).
Siphulastrum triste is characterised by: the terricolous habit; the densely caespitose, mat-forming thallus to 8 cm diam., of minutely foliose squamules that soon become nodular-papillate, terete, and subdichotomously branching, forming finger-like laciniae, surface blackened, margins yellow-brown and densely pruinose; apothecia to 5 mm diam., often confluent, sessile or immersed in laciniae, disc brown-black, glossy, with a thin, pale proper margin; ascospores ellipsoidal to ovoid, 12–14 × 7–9 μm.