Phaeophyscia endococcina var. endococcinodes
≡Physcia endococcinodes Poelt, Ergebn. Forsch. Unternehmens Nepal Himal. 6: 77 (1974).
≡Phaeophyscia endococcinodes (Poelt) Essl., Mycotaxon 7 (2): 301 (1978).
Descriptions : Flora (1985: 384 – as Phaeophyscia endococcinodes). See also Moberg (1995: 324).
S: Canterbury (Glen Lyon Station, Ohau; Upper Godley Valley), Westland (Haast), Otago (Rock & Pillar Ra.). From maritime rocks to 1600 m on alpine rocks, and associating with Psoroma buchanani. Still rather poorly collected. Known also from Africa, Asia, and Australia (Moberg 1995; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Illustration : Moberg (1983b: 513).
Phaeophyscia endococcina var. endococcinodes is characterised by: the exposed, saxicolous (maritime to high-alpine) habit; the firmly adnate, grey-brown to brown thallus surface without isidia or soredia; abundant apothecia with sometimes lobulate margins; ascospores Pachysporaria -type, 21–26 × 9–12 μm; and skyrin (K+ purple) in the medulla.