Lichens Pan-Z (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition Pan-Z
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Peltigera tereziana

P. tereziana Gyeln., Österr. Bot. Z. 77: 220 (1928).

=P. subhorizontalis Gyeln., Annls Cryptog. Exot. 5: 39 (1932).

=Peltigera nigripunctata f. farinosa Gyeln., Annls Cryptog. Exot. 4: 168 (1931).

=Peltigera horizontalis var. muscorum f. albido-pruinosa Js. Murray, Trans. Roy. Soc. N. Z. 88: 391 (1960).

Holotype: "Nova Zeelandia" [Westland], Richard Helms 218 – W (Vitikainen 2004b: 465).

Peltigera nigripunctata f. farinosa. Type: New Zealand, 1874–75, S. Berggren, sub 39 Peltigera venosa – UPS (not seen).

Peltigera horizontalis var. muscorum f. albido-pruinosa. Holotype: New Zealand. Otago: Matukituki Valley, 4000 ft, on soil among scree, D. Scott 4389 – OTA.

Description : Thallus in neat rosettes or irregularly spreading to 1–3(–6) cm diam. Lobes 0.2–0.5(–1) cm wide and 0.5–2 cm long. Margins entire, incised-lacerate to crenulate–lobulate or phyllidiate, occasionally to noticeably white-pruinose (×10 lens) appearing frosted. Upper surface olive-green or yellowish olive-brown to greyish blue, tinged brownish to red-brown, matt, glossy in parts, rarely delicately white-pruinose in parts imparting a frosted appearance to lobes. Lower surface pale whitish buff to dark-brown. Veins flat, to somewhat raised, anastomosing, 0.2–0.8 mm wide, pale- to dark-brown; interstices pale, oval to irregular. Rhizines pale- to dark-brown, simple to densely fasciculate, short, to 2 mm long. Apothecia flat, horizontal, 2–3(–5) mm diam., distinctly raised above thalline margin; disc red-brown to brown-black, epruinose; margins pale-buff, corrugate to minutely lobulate, exciple below scabrid-tomentose. Ascospores uniformly 3-septate, colourless to pale-brownish, elongate–fusiform, 26–32(–38) × 5–8 μm.

Chemistry : TLC−, all reactions negative.

N: South Auckland (Te Whaiti), Hawke's Bay (Puketitiri). S: Nelson (Takaka Hill), Marlborough (Avon Valley, Waihopai Valley), Canterbury (Waiwera Limestone Ra., Cass, Kea Point Mt Cook, Godley Valley, Lake Tekapo), Otago (Matutukituki Valley, Routeburn Valley, Paradise, Alexandra, Craig Flat) [map in Galloway (2000d: 36, fig. 15 – as Peltigera subhorizontalis)]. On soil (both acid and calcareous), often among mosses on rocks or on damp, shady rocky banks or under forest trees, or in short-tussock grassland, 30–1400 m. Known also from Victoria, and cited as from New South Wales (Filson 1996; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).


Peltigera tereziana is characterised by: the muscicolous/saxicolous habit; the neat, rosette-forming thallus; the white-pruinose margins that are entire to ±phyllidiate, and the characteristic, horizontal apothecia. Murray (1960c: 390) cited a number of South I. collections (recorded above) as P. horizontalis var. muscorum, and referred white-pruinose forms to f. albido-pruinosa (Murray 1960c: 391) noting a similarity to P. frigida R. Sant., from southern Chile (Santesson 1944: 11–12). However, this latter species has much smaller thalli (to 2 cm diam.), lacks marginal phyllidia and pruina, has raised, non-anastomosing veins, and longer, narrower spores (40–44 × 3.5–6 μm). The species is discussed by Vitikainen (2004b: 465–466).

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